"You," she smirked. 

"What about me?" I arched a brow at her. 

She chuckled, "You and how your fly is open." I looked down in panic then back at her. She laughed, "I made you look," she sang. I pinched her waist and she winced, rubbing that spot. "I was joking!" She shoved me lightly. "We were talking about how the marriage came to be. She was curious." 

"And what did you say?" I inquired while opening the door to our room, holding it for her and closing it behind me when we entered. 

"I said our parents introduced us and arranged for the wedding, but we more than happily agreed to marry each other. That we are blessed," she said dramatically, plopping down on the bed. 

"Blessed," I mimicked, sitting beside her. 

"We are," she smiled, brushing my hair out of my eyes. 

"We are?" I raised a brow at her. 

"You tell me," she shrugged. 

"We are," I nodded. She smiled, her thumb stroking my cheek. I glanced at her lips before looking back at her eyes. "Do I have to ask?" 

She chuckled, shaking her head slowly. "No," she whispered. 

I leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers. I kept it short and sweet for once. I've come to notice when we do kiss, it tends to last a while. I pulled back, watching her eyebrows furrow. "What?" I smiled. 

"That's it?" 

"Would you like more?" I smirked. 

"No." She rolled her eyes. I leaned in again but she dodged it, turning her head the other way. She looked at me smugly, swerving again when I retried. I sighed, staring at her with a small smile that found its way to my lips. 

She raised her eyebrows at me, leaning back on her arms that were holding her up. I pushed her arms out from under her and she fell back on the bed, laughing. I leaned down but she pressed her hands to my chest. "You kept it short and sweet, now you want more?" she taunted. 

I rolled my eyes, taking both her wrists in one hand and pinning them over her head. "Are you asking me to tickle you?" 

"No, no, no, please," she objected, already laughing. 

"Hmm," I nodded. "Then you better shut up." 

She raised her brows, seeming surprised. "Make me," she instigated me further. 

I leaned down, smashing my lips on hers. I let go of her wrists after a while and one of her hands rested on the back of my neck, pulling me closer and the other drifted into my hair the way I think she understands that I like. Or she likes doing it. Either way, it works in my favor. 

My grip on her waist tightened while I pulled back, placing a kiss on her jaw and then trailing a few down her neck. She let out a sigh when I kissed a spot, feeling her heartbeat. "Nick," she said a little breathlessly. "Nick, wait." I stopped, looking down at her. "Do you hear that?" 

"What?" I frowned in confusion. 

"Listen," she said, looking at me. We stared at each other, hearing loud laughter echoing. Both of us looked at each other, extremely confused. She clamped her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. "Who is that?" she chuckled. 

"I don't know," I laughed, climbing off of her, turning to the door. I straightened myself out and she sat up, flattening her dress while I opened the door. I looked down the hall seeing the last person I expected to see. 

"Uncle Nicholash!" he yelled, running down the hall. 

I caught him when he made it to my room and picked him up, spinning him around. "Look at how big you've got, Aiden!" I laughed. 

This is Aiden, he is three years old. My cousin sister, Lauren, is his mother. She was married into another kingdom, had a son four years ago, here he is now. He laughed while I tickled him, propping him on his feet, on the bed. 

"Your shoes, Aiden." I heard a sigh. I looked up and saw Lauren standing there, her arms folded across her chest. We never got along as kids, we tolerate each other now. Our mothers are very close, they are real sisters, after all. 

"Lauren," I nodded. 

"Nicholas," she said mockingly, walking over to me. "Hello," she nodded. I gave her a side-hug. 

"Lauren, this is Ella, my wife. Ella, this is Lauren, my cousin. And this," I turned to Aiden. "Is her son, Aiden." 

"It's very nice to meet you," Ella smiled, taking a small curtsey. 

"That is unnecessary," Lauren shook her head with a smile. "I cannot believe someone agreed to marry you," she scoffed at me. 

"I cannot believe she agreed to marry me," I smirked at Ella while Aiden enjoyed jumping on our bed. 

Ella laughed sarcastically, grabbing Aiden as he let me go and stood behind her, draping his arms around her shoulders. "It is very lovely to meet you too," she laughed, pecking his cheek. 

"I wike her," he laughed, grinning at me. 

"Hmm, me too," I nodded, noticing Lauren leave the room. Ella picked him up and we followed her out and down.






Chapter 18

I crave a loving boyfriend, ya'll

someone find me one

next chapter: want

Royaltyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें