Chapter 1

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"Fatha, is mum ever going to come back?"

No response.

He didn't even look in his direction. The man- that shell of a man known as William Afton- just sat at his office desk, gray eyes staring blankly at a wall, elbows on the table, and his chin resting on his hands. It was as if Michael hadn't even walked into the room.

The 12-year-old boy stood in the doorway for a few minutes, waiting for a response. He was only met with silence as he asked again, a little louder this time.

He decided it would be better to leave his father alone. He desperately wanted his mother to come back, yet he knew it wasn't happening anytime soon. He just wanted to know when.

Yes, his parents had recently divorced, but that didn't mean he'd never see his mom again, right?

Deciding to ignore his thoughts for a minute, Michael walked out of his father's office to find his siblings.

They were in Lizzie's room, having a tea party. Four plastic pink chairs were placed around a tiny table. Chris had brought Fredbear, too, of course. There was also one of Lizzie's stuffed animals in another chair too- a bunny that she had since she was a baby.

Chris. His six-year-old brother. Hazel eyes and brown hair. He had some freckles on his cheeks, which were inherited from his mother. Michael paused. Ever since Chris was born, everything had gone wrong. When he was born, Laura started leaving the house late at night. When he was born, William seemed more on edge, as if something was wrong.

Even when Michael tried to ask his father- someone with who he had a close bond, he never got an answer other than a reassurance that he was "fine."

Now, he didn't seem fine. His father was good at faking that he was fine, but now it was obvious something was wrong. He had lashed out so heavily at his mother for some reason, and Michael had never heard his father yell once in his entire life. It was definitely yelling- he could conclude that from the muffled noise he heard from his room; where he had been sent to with his siblings- and it scared him.

But now, William was quiet. Too quiet.

In fact, it was almost as if he wasn't even there. He would make food for them and do basic things, and then instantly go work. All he did was work. He shut himself out from everyone and only worked.

William had used to take them out for ice cream and do all sorts of fun things with them, and now it was all gone. Michael found himself getting bored quite often, yet his siblings found a lot of entertainment between themselves, which he, on some level, envied.

Luckily for Michael, when he was bored, he would just go to Jeremy's house. It was only a few blocks away, and his mother was really kind and didn't mind him staying over.

Jeremy was his best friend. They had known each other since they were little, and Michael had always looked up to and admired him. Short black messy hair and a dark almond complexion; even Michael couldn't deny it, Jeremy was attractive. On top of that, he was intelligent and reliable, and although he could be stubborn and unwavering at times, he was a good friend. Some girls at school felt the same way too, and Jeremy would talk to them sometimes. It made Michael upset. He couldn't explain why, but he could explain his admiration for Jeremy. He was a cool person. It was normal to think your friends were amazing and be inspired by them, at least, that's what Michael thought.

Regardless, there was still one conclusion that stuck out in his head. Everything bad had started because of Chris. It was Chris' fault. He was upset because of him.

He needed to tell Jeremy about this.

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