"Nicholas," his dad said sternly. 

Nick shot out of his seat, ready to storm out. I grabbed his hand, but he was so reluctant to stay and listen. 

I stood up, grabbing his hands. "Nicholas," I mumbled. He's not going to listen. "Nick, Nick, listen to me, please," I whispered. He looked down at me, his jaw clenched. I stood up on my toes, whispering in his ear. "Let him talk, it doesn't mean we must listen and obey. We understand each other, that's all that matters, right?" I looked up at him. "Right?" I asked again, not caring if his dad heard anymore. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Come on, please. Sit down," I nodded, pulling him back down. 

We took our seats, facing his father. He grabbed onto my hand, holding on tightly. 

"Just take a look at him," his dad scoffed. I gave his hand a tight squeeze, locking my fingers with his under the table. "I would like to ask you when you can give this kingdom an heir?" 

I looked at him in confusion. "I apologize, this heir that I am to bring... he or she is supposed to be planned ahead of time?" 

"Well, yes, of course. We must know." 

I glanced at Nick who was giving me an 'I told you so' look. "I'm afraid that isn't possible," I cleared my throat. He frowned in confusion. "I am not ready to have a child. I understand it is important for both kingdoms, but it will have to wait. We are not that prepared," I explained. 


"We are not that prepared. What more, father?" Nick spat. 

"Nick," I mumbled. 

"His name is Nicholas," his dad sternly to me. "And you two must understand that this is an alliance," he scoffed. 

"This is a marriage, father-in-law. Not just an alliance. It involves two people and their feelings. More than anything else, that is what it is about. With all due respect, I believe we should choose when to have a child," I said as respectfully as possible. 

"This, your behavior is appalling to me," his dad scoffed. Nick scoffed, standing up and grabbing my hand. I didn't object this time. "Is this the kind of king you shall be, Nicholas? The kind who does not consider his kingdom a priority?" 

Nick halted, turning to face his dad. Just standing here, I felt like a bomb was about to explode. Nick was about to snap back at his father. Hard. 

"Priority?" he scoffed. "Priority, father? Do you think this kingdom is not a priority for me? This is unbelievable." He rolled his eyes. "Since when is it a priority for you? No, the priority for you is for me to have a child. Somehow, that will bring both kingdoms together, somehow, that will fix everything. So, yes. That is not a priority for me. Never has been, never will be. The priority for me is my wife." 

I stared at him in shock. I never expected him to say that. I never thought he would go against his father for me. I never wanted him to. I don't want to be the reason to turn them against each other or for anything worse to happen. 

"The priority for me currently is to know her, understand her, and love her. And we cannot raise a child without all that happening!" He started raising his voice and I grabbed his hand, tugging him back when he started walking back over to his dad. 

"Nick, don't." 


"I know, but don't," I sighed. 

He watched me for a minute before pulling his hand out of mine and walking over to the table, slamming both his hands down, lowering himself to his father's level, staring him dead in the eyes. "We will not have a child on your commands. Do not speak of this again. Please respect and understand what we ask of you." 

"Or else, what Nicholas?" I know his father is just trying to poke him further and anger him. 

"Nicholas." He took a slow breath before turning to me. "Do not do this," I shook my head, pleading with him. It's my first day living with him and his family in their palace, this is not how it should be. "Please?" 

He started unbuttoning his sleeves, rolling them up. "Or else we leave." 

I let out a breath, closing my eyes, and leaning against the wall. He is not going to listen. He has a lot to say to his father and I just have to let him. 

"You leave? And where exactly will you go?" his dad scoffed. 

"You forget that we will not just be king and queen of Meralith, but also Velaris. If we leave one kingdom, we have another to go to." He put his hands back on the table, staring at his dad. "The people of another kingdom to serve." I watched as his father's face fell. "So next time, please think twice before raising this topic of discussion again." 

"Nicholas," I said a little more sternly. He turned to me. "Do not be disrespectful." 

"And what he is doing is respectful?" 

"No." I glanced at his father. "But he is your father." Nick walked over to me, still fuming. "Take it in through one ear, out through the other," I shrugged. He opened his mouth to argue but I grabbed either side of his face, forcing him to listen. "Listen to me. Please," I begged. "As your wife. Just for this one moment." I grabbed his hand, taking him outside and not giving him a minute to argue. "Where is our room?" I asked. 

He sighed, leading the way. We entered the room, which if I had the time, I would talk about how beautiful it is, but it's not the right moment. We both stood in silence, facing each other, staring at each other. 

"Is knowing, understanding, and loving me really such a priority?" I mumbled. 

"It is my first priority. We can't raise a child otherwise." He's right. "Am I wrong? Do you think I'm wrong, Ella?" 

"No." I walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "No, you are not wrong, Nick."






Chapter 17

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