My Captor, My Savior, My Princess

Start from the beginning

"Well, everyone at that house did. In fact, we were all quite close many years back. As you might imagine, we did the same thing we do now, only for your father." 

These words hit me like a freight train, right in the gut. Dad used to hire... killers? 

"You used to kill for him..?" 

"Rival companies that were showing too much promise that might pose a threat to Weiss Enterprises. He hired us to eliminate key members of those companies, forcing their downfall and ensuring the success of his company. When you had the kind of money he did, it was barely an expense for him." She explained, and went on after taking another drink, "Of course, we couldn't be paid as killers on the payroll, in fact we weren't on the payroll at all. He paid us on the side, but not with extra money. He chipped away small dividends from legitimate employee's checks and deposited them into separate accounts for each of us. At least, for a while anyway." 

I was in shock, I never expected to hear anything like this. But I had always been sheltered, and maybe this was the reason. Try as I might, I still couldn't bring myself to be mad at him for it. Yes it was wrong, but did he deserve to die for it?  

"The more threatening the company, the higher profile the position of the person he wanted us to get rid of, naturally the more we expected to be paid. For the most part, we took out seemingly non-important members with jobs like treasurers and investors... the ones that wouldn't immediately be missed but would still have an effect on the performance of the company." She took another drink. 

"But one day, he wanted us to kill the actual head of a major company. It would be a whole operation in itself, only one of us would actually take him out, the others would assist in infiltrating his mansion in different roles. Needless to say, it took all of us. We were promised millions for this job..." 

I adjusted my feelings about my dad the more she talked. He killed people. He went to work during the day and arranged this stuff, and still came home to kiss me goodnight like nothing happened. 

I felt betrayed. Maybe of all the people he killed he did deserve to die, but... none of that would be justified in my mind ever, because a daughter never deserves to lose a father. No matter the circumstances. End of story. 

"We have our speculations about why it ended up being a set up, and why we were all eventually sent to prison for 5 years for breaking into the mansion and destroying property... but we never knew the exact reason. The point is, he fucked us over bad, and for whatever reason saw fit to get rid of all of us in one motion." She continued. 

This was all a nightmare to me. I had thought that of course these people doing this to me were terrible people - and they were, they were killers... but at the same time I don't know why my dad would do that. I guessed I'd never know. 

Another revelation was that Capricorn was part of the whole thing, and had equally been screwed over, yet was now protecting me - the one link to the whole thing. It didn't make sense. I thought she'd just grown attached to me and maybe felt sympathetic or something. I had no idea this had gone on, obviously. 

"It sounded like a great plan on paper. All we ever wanted was an answer, and of course generous reimbursement to compensate our prison time that your father caused us. So we'd kidnap his daughter, and we'd force him to confront us, since he'd been a ghost that was hard to track down on a global level." 

It felt strange to hear myself being referred to in the third person. Even stranger still, that Capricorn wore a look of indifference the entire time she explained it to me. I didn't know what prison was like, but it couldn't have been fun. And for five years? It was amazing she held her composure so well talking about it. 

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