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It felt like something out of a nightmare. One you hoped you'd wake up from.

For a split second when you opened your eyes, you'd forgotten what had happened. Just a split second of ignorance and bliss before your memory pieced itself together again.

A group of masked freaks had kidnapped you, and you'd been abandoned by the man who claimed to love you. 

You'd assumed that heartbreak was a figure of speech. Never imagined it'd feel this literal.

You woke up alone in an unfamiliar place, lying on what seemed to be a foam mat on a metal floor. The last thing you'd seen was a gloved hand in front of your face back on Corellia, and then you'd fallen unconscious.

Your bones creaked as you sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, along with the remnants of your salty tears from your eyelashes.

There was a tiny slit in the door that you could just barely reach eye contact level with if you stood on the balls of your feet. You braced your hands against the door and peered through the opening, hoping you'd have some clue where you were.

Instead of an identifying mark or familiar place, you saw the masked creature rounding the corner, headed straight for you.

You clapped a hand over your mouth and started back pedaling away from the door, even though it was pointless. There was one exit, and no where for you to go.


The collision of your spine and the wall left you with no breath to hold as you watched the door open. Two white armored guards that were flanking the entry stepped aside, saluting the black-masked man.

"Commander Ren."

It felt like your heart dropped to the floor.

This wasn't just some masked freak. Not just some common criminal or mysterious kidnapper. This was the man you'd heard awful things about, listened to stories of absolutely heinous things that he'd overseen. Kylo Ren, Commander of the First Order.

Just when you thought you couldn't be more scared, the universe just had to throw this at you.

How the hell did I end up on his radar?

Your abductor entered the room in the flurry of black robes that you remembered. Not a speck of humanity in his appearance. Of course there couldn't be. Whatever was under that mask was in no way human.

He paced slowly, robes swaying at his ankles. Like a predator tracking it's next kill.

The Commander was tall, noticeably so. And power just seemed to radiate off of him. Enough to fill the entire room with his presence just by being in it.

"The girl I've heard so much about."

You swallowed. Throat like sandpaper without any water in who knows how long.

Why would this man have heard anything about someone like you? And what exactly had he heard?

The commander came to a stop halfway in the room's center and clasped his hands behind his back.

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