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"Let's go, [l/n] [y/n]." you nod at the tall silver-haired man who was now carrying your luggage and escorting you outside of the apartment —an apartment you could never bring yourself to call home.


"Gojo-sensei," you said, holding his hand to guide you down the bus steps as you reach your destination: Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School. 

"I'm nervous."

He looked at you and smiled saying, "I'm sure you'll be fine."

Blindly walking to reach the barrier of what will be your new school, you quietly succumb to your anxiety and thoughts about meeting your new classmates while following Gojo-sensei.

The walk was undoubtedly long. You wondered if this was meant for traveling on feet, or if you were supposed to ride a vehicle for easier travel. Nonetheless, you didn't complain since this would stall your time before meeting with the others. But even without sight you knew that one thing is for sure— you were certainly in the outskirts of Tokyo. 

His walking came to a halt. He then announced, "[y/n], we're here."

You then turned your head around, but unfortunately for you, you could see nothing but faint light seeping through your closed eyes.

"How're you liking your new school so far? First impressions?" He asked expectantly. "Well sensei, it smells leafier and nicer here I guess..." He chuckled, almost mockingly, at your insight. "Oh, right! I forgot. Gomen~"

You were irked by his derisive comment, but calmly, you asked him, "Sensei, can I peek?" You faced his direction with pleading eyes, not that he could actually see them.

"Nope." . . . "w h y ;-; "

"Because the reason why we're wearing matching bandages is because I'm going to start training you to use your other senses when your sight fails you." He said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Can't you make an exemption today?" "Nope."

"Why're you wearing bandages as well though?" you curiously asked, anticipating a very logical and smart explanation as to why he did this to his eyes as well. "For style."

. . . "that's it?" "Mhm. I did your bandage quite stylish as well, don't worry." "Sensei, the more I get to know you, the more my respect for you decreases..." you said in a dead serious tone, but barely audible— mumbling it as you face a different direction. "Hm?" "Nothing."

"Now, [y/n], instead of peeking, I want you to observe your surroundings. While I get your luggage to the main building, why don't you try touching, smelling, and listening to the school? Well then, ja ne ~ !" "Matte sensei!" But too late, he already runoff.

You actually listened to him. You trusted that at the very least, the process that he is making you undergo will be useful at the end of the day.

So like a lunatic, you stretched your arms and started walking, feeling for anything that might be in the way. You heard your footsteps shift from sounding like walking on top of coarse rocks to walking on top of grass by the way your shoes dragged through the greens below your feet.

Water. You heard water swish as the air changed direction, meaning that nearby, you should expect there to be a small body of water, maybe a small pond for koi fish.

"Tuna tuna"

The first years of Tokyo Jujutsu High looked to where Inumaki pointed, to find a girl with bandaged eyes nearing the small pond they had in their school's front yard.

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