𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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 The sounds of Flora's music lesson echoed through the entire household and no matter where you wandered within the manor, the gentle tapping of her fingers against broad piano keys lingered in the air. She'd been practicing Mary Had a Little Lamb all morning, but it barely showed.

Miles was a no-show at breakfast. You were somewhat relieved, albeit disappointed that you hyped yourself up to come downstairs for nothing. It wasn't like you were avoiding him or anything, but you had to admit you saw him in a different light after discovering why he was home after so long away.

After Flora ran off for her daily lessons with Kate, you stayed back in the kitchen to help Mrs. Grose clean up. As you stacked dirty plates alongside the countertop, you finally told her about the phone call you received yesterday morning.

"Miles?" She repeated in disbelief, not looking up from where she was stacking clean glassware in the cabinet above the sink. "That can't possibly be true."

"The Headmaster seemed very sure," you insisted, remembering his words as if you heard them only minutes before. You finished rinsing the last plate and set it on the drying rack before taking the towel and drying off your hands. "Besides, Miles wouldn't have reacted that way if it wasn't."

"I see," she said quietly, deep in thought. You were grateful that you had her to confide in. Kate was nice, but you didn't know her well enough to tell her about what you'd learned. Or anything else besides a polite greeting, for that matter. Mrs. Grose sighed and leaned her back against the kitchen island. "Speak not a word of this to Flora or that city girl. I will handle this myself."

Mrs. Grose didn't like Kate and often referred to her as other titles like city girl or sometimes worse things that you only ever heard when she was mumbling to herself behind closed doors. But the state required Flora to have access to proper year-round education and she was the only one who qualified and was willing to accept the position. Not many people were understanding of Bly Manor and the rumors that surrounded it. Except for you, of course.

You always wondered why Flora wasn't sent off to boarding school like Miles was, but then you remembered how terrified the poor girl was of leaving the Fairchild property. "Thank you," you nodded, suddenly feeling the burden of information lift high above your shoulders. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"Busy yourself until you are needed. I will ring for lunch around noon."

Another thing you liked about Mrs. Grose was that she didn't beat around the bush. You respected her bluntness at times like these.

After being excused, you stepped out into the hall and started back to your bedroom. You were completely finished unpacking and the last of your posters had gone up late last night. It didn't make the room feel any less bare, but you figured only time would fix that.

You refused to spend the entire day locked up in your room again, despite how tempting the idea was. Besides, Mrs. Grose said to busy yourself -- not take a nap. You didn't want to do anything that might land you on her bad side, especially since you prided yourself on being one of the very few people she tolerated.

Not looking where you were going, you jumped back after having felt something unfamiliar under your foot. You lifted your foot to look down and noticed that it was obviously one of Flora's discarded toys. That much was clear from the bright purple color and rounded edges.

With narrow eyes, you bent over to pick it up only to catch sight of another toy, a larger one, resting just a few steps away. Then another and another, leading all the way up the stairs and trailing off down the corridor that veered left at the very top. With a sigh, you began climbing the staircase, gathering the toys in your arms as you went.

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