"you look beautiful and you cut your hair,"Liam said while taken in my appearance I shrugged and blushed

"Oh, you noticed,"I said as I play with my tips .Liam smiled and nodded.

" Why wouldn't I?" Liam asked while helping me into the car. I shrugged.

"Some guys don't don't notice little things like that," I said while looking at Andy in the mirror. Liam frowned.

"Some guys are idiots,you're supposed to notice everything about your girl,"Liam said winking. I blushed and nodded.

"True," I said trying to play off my blushing face.After he placed Andy into the car Liam hopped in the driver seat.

"So,where too?"Liam asked looking at us .I looked over at him.

"You don't know where to take us?I asked Liam giving a second thought on this date. He shooked his head.

"No,I just didn't wanna pick something and you guys don't like it,you know?"I nodded

"Alright, Andy where are we going?"Liam asked Andy. I smiled and looked at Andy through the mirror .

Andy held his chin and thinking hoping he wouldn't stay anything too crazier or expensive.

"Disney world!!"Andy yelled.I mentally facepalmed myself.Liam chuckled.

"Alright,"Liam said simply and starting the car,my eyes widen.

"Wait for what,we're actually going?"He nodded"but that's hours away and I have work tomorrow"Liam nodded.

"Andy,mommy ruined the fun"I scoffed,"She says we can't go"Andy pouted"But."Liam said getting Andy's attention"I know this amusement park 10 minutes away"Andy's face lit up and He nodded.

"Let's go!!"Andy yelled .I giggled"Haha mommy your plan is gone,"Andy said while sticking his tongue out.I gave a fake pout.

"Oh, darn curse you all,"I said while shaking my fist in the air .Liam laughed and brought his hand up to mine connecting them. I looked over at him and he smiled.

I used my free hand to turn on the radio sugar by marron 5 came on.I see Andy in the back dancing along I smiled"Hey Liam where did you get the car seat from. Do you have a kid?"He shooked his head.

"No, I got it from your mom"I nodded a couple of minutes later, we were at the park .My eyes widened in excitement from all the colorful lights .Liam parked the car and helped Andy and I out the car. Liam grabbed our hands.

"Hey are those my timberlands?" Liam asked .I smirked as he eyed my shoes.

"Maybe"I giggled as he playfully glared at me,"I told you ,I needed some in my closet"

"That's not fair! I left them at your mom's house"I shrugged.

"Mine now babe"I winked at him .Liam laughed and shooked his head.

"You're something else, you know that?"I nodded.

"Yeap,Three please,"I said to the ticket man in the ticket booth.

Liam's p.o.v

As we got our wristbands and went to play some games we let Andy go to the kids play room.Larissa and I  went over to the booths to play the water games. It was a long line but it gave us some time to chat.

"I wish I would have chosen something else wearing a dress to the amusement park not good,"Larissa said pulling down her dress. I laughed and pulled her hands away from her sides.

"You are fine hush"She grinned and nodded.

"I guess they agree to?"Larissa said nodding over to a group of guys starting at her .I glared at them and pulled her closer "Oh ,do I feel jealousy Mr.Liam"She joked. I rolled my eyes and looked down at her.

"Maybe,"I said shrugging .

Larissa smirked"I like a man who gets jealous"I raised my eyebrow.

"Really,well maybe I should get jealous all the time?"She giggled. 

The line started moving."When will we be able to go on an actual date?"She looked up at me"Not that I mind bringing Andy around with us ,I just think going to the amusement park every time isn't gonna get me anywhere with you"She giggled.

"Well,if this goes well I'll give you my number,"Larissa said grinning at me"And you can decide"I smiled and nodded wrapping my arm around her waist .Larissa leaned into my touch.

"So Andy's birthday coming up .What are you doing for it?"she shrugged.

"I really don't know something I can afford.How do you know about his birthday?"She asked while we moved with the crowd. Well, Larissa ,He's my son, I think I know when his birthday is.

"Um he told me basically all this week,"I said chuckling ,Larissa facepalmed herself.

"Right,sorry little kids huh,"She said giggling I nodded.It was finally our turn to play the game.After a lot of rounds, we gathered up our prizes and Andy and headed back to the car.

"God all this stuff you're good at winning things,"I said while playfully bumping her shoulder.Larissa shrugged.

"When I want something, I go for it until it's mine,"She said smiling . I nodded while pulling into her driveway.After parking the car Larissa hopped out and headed to grab Andy.

"I got him!!"I yelled over to her.Larissa nodded and grabbed her stuff and heading to the door.I followed shortly after pressing the button to lock the car and entering the house with Larissa .I hear her feet move across the floor and a light came on.

"Hey ,you can sit him down on the couch. I got it from here your probably tired and ready to go home"I chuckled.

"Not really ,where's his room?" I asked her as I held Andy in my arms.Larissa motioned for me to follow her.We walked up the stairs and entered a small purple room "Purple eh?"Larissa laughed and nodded as I laid Andy down in bed.

"that's what he wanted"I nodded.

"I don't really have a favorite color but, I like purple"Larissa nodded and walked over to a dresser.

"Purple and black are my favorites,here can you put this on him ?I'm going to go get out of the dress"I nodded as she left. I put on Andys pj's kissing him on the forehead and walked out the room after turning off the light.I saw a light on in a room I followed the light and opened the door Larissa was standing in just a t-shirt.

She didn't notice me there until I sneezed"Bless you- hey I'm changing!!"She said covering her lower half I laughed and closed the door, heading downstairs. Seconds later Larissa came downstairs in a jersey.

"You barely know me yet you still tend to steal my stuff"She looked down and laughed.

"hey you can sit him down on the couch I got it from here your probably tired and ready to go home"I chuckled

"not really ,where's his room?"Larissa motioned for me to follow her.we walked up the stairs and entered a small purple room "purple eh?"Larissa laughed and nodded as I laid andy down in bed

"that's what he wanted"I nodded

"I don't really have a favorite color but I like purple"Larissa nodded and walked over to a dresser

"Purple and black are my favorites,here can you put this on him I'm going to go get out of the dress"I nodded as she left. I put on andys pj's kissing him on the forehead and walked out the room after turning off the light.I saw a light on in a room I followed the light and opened the door Larissa was standing in just a t-shirt.she didn't notice me there until I sneezed"bless you-hey I'm changing"she said covering her lower half I laughed and closed the door, heading downstairs. Seconds later Larissa came downstairs in a jersey

"You barely know me yet you still tend to steal my stuff"she looked down and laughed.

"Goodnight beautiful have sweet dreams about us ok," I said as I get ready to hop in my car Larissa busted out laughing and waved at me while I pulled off. I think I may be falling for her.

The Neighbor[Liam Payne A.U.][completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن