" That's your initials." He responded. I had hoped for a normal answer and did not receive one. My last name began with a ' y/l/i', not an 'P.'

"Um, are you sure you have got the right person? the first one is right but the second one isn't." I stated.

He shook his head, picked my case up off the floor and flung it on a trolley behind him. "Now I need to go, I will see you very soon,"  He handed me the trolley with my case on and on top was a beautiful black owl in a silver cage. "Norris will look after you, he is yours now." my eyes widened and I gave the bird a small scratch with my finger, then looked back up to the man to say thank you but he had disappeared. 

I turned on my heels, pushing my trolley, aimlessly until I ran over a stone completely losing control of it, letting it run straight into a girl stood a few feet away. " I am so sorry, I-" I began, desperately trying to amend things.

"oh don't be silly, you must be Y/N. Ronald has been non stop talking about you. I would recognise those Y/E/C from anywhere." she interrupted, shutting her book and giving me a gentle smile. "im Hermione granger"

I took a second to study the her. She had light brown hair that had been tied back into a loose ponytail, she was about the same height as me and had big brown eyes.

"it's lovely to meet you, I have to ask, how does this Ronald person Know me?"  I asked, my voice laced with confusion. I had no idea who these people were, so how did they know me?

Hermione shook her head, and strands of her fluffy hair fell right in front of her face. " I'm not the right person to tell you that." she laughed, her eyes apologetic and her lips fell into a slight smirk. I quickly shrugged a little giggle escaping my lips, I didn't really want to ask any more question, I was already trying to figure out enough stuff. "anyway Y/N you must be looking for the platform am I right ?"

" How did you guess," I answered sarcastically glancing over to my trolley. She let out a single laugh and gestured for me to follow her. We pushed through all the people and stopped in front of a wall.

I looked over to her with furrowed brows, she gave me a small wink then ran at the wall at full speed, disappearing as soon as she hit it. I rubbed my temples, then decided to just follow her lead, what was there to lose at this point, I had already come across a half-giant and a growling book.

Soon enough I found myself standing next to the girl on a different platform, I scanned my surroundings and there was a large red steam train to my left and the rest of the space was filled with families. " Well, shall we." she continued, gesturing towards the train. I gave her an eager nod and we carried on walking a little further down the platform.

I was too busy taking in my surroundings to notice a boy approaching me until I walked straight into him. He was tall and blonde, with piercing grey eyes, dressed all in black, carrying an evil expression. Behind him were two boys following him like little minions. "Watch where you're going you filthy little mudblood" he spat right in my face, the two behind him began to cackle and I just rolled my eyes. The blonde looked behind him and a smirk grew on his face, "oh she thinks she is better than us."

" No, I don't have the flexibility to get my head far enough up my own ass," I growled back at him.

Before either of us had a chance to say another word  I felt Hermione's hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from the trio.

" You need to keep your mouth shut, Malfoy is trouble." she insisted. I glanced back behind me with a shrug, he didn't seem like trouble, he just seemed too full of himself but who was I to judge, I didn't know him. "I am going to find my friends, you should be okay," I gave her a small reassuring smile and she disappeared into the crowd.

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