Prologue: Everyone has its secrets

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-Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan... I am so bad at telling stories... Do I really have to do this?

-Oh c'mon you can't be THAT bad, can you? Just give it a try. I want to hear everything since the beggining.

-Holy... that far? You do realize that the reason why I am not a famous writer is because my story telling capability is below minus G.B.' s duodecillion right?

-Yup. And you are lying. I think you are a pretty good story-teller.

-... Is there no way to skip a few parts ?

-Nope. I want to know everything.

-*grumble* Huh... okay... hmmm... where should I begin then?


I remember it so well. I was only 6 at that time but I could understand more than a normal children.

I never knew why but my parents always said I had something special. Only a few years later I found out that was my intelligence. The one little thing that I was actually born with and well... the one that I have to thank for everything that happened to me I guess...

At that time, I became  friends with the front neighbor, Calum.

He's a cool guy even though my parents hated the fact that I hanged out with him. They used to say that I shouldn't hang out with people with a decreased intellect like him. But I didn't think that of Calum. He was the one who made me start liking real music. The one who made me realize that sometimes we need to free ourselves from numbers, calculations, equations, trying to figure out the universe and understand everything that revolves inside of it. The one that made me see how important it is to actually talk with other people, to have friends. He was my first friend. Well... other than the stuffed lion I had in my bedroom called Daniel. Before Calum, I had no one except for my parents and as much as I hate to admit it... they didn't care as much for me as he did.

But going on... I had another friend besides Calum. Her name was Samantha but she preferred being called Sam.

My parents didn't want me to hang out wit her because of her mom. Her mother was a gothic, nice and sweet lady that had chronicle depression. Tho I was never able to understand how could such a nice lady get like that in the first place... The universe will always have it's own mysteries. I didn't know much of their past but I know that somehow they were happy.

And Sam... Well goddamn she was so nice as well. I think she got that from her mother. She was so cheerful and curious and somehow she was also reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally clumsy. She was able to trip over her own feet without doing a single thing. You have to admit that not that many people can do such an amazing thing. No matter how stupid it may sound, to me it is amazing.

It's amazing how a six year old like me could understand so much of the world and at the same time so little. Those were somehow happy times. Even with my parent's judgement. Even if they thought that my friends were a bad influence. Even after all the crappy tests I had to stand like I was some lab rat... I was still happy because I knew that at the end of the day I would see my front neighbour, smiling at me, like he was promising that everything would be better. And I always believed that.I had both of them there to smile at me and support me.

And the years went by... Things happened... I went to highschool when I was still young... I completed several academic degrees without making many efforts... I had money and they were happy. The government would pay them as much as they wanted as long as I helped with their researches. Before I noticed they... they did it... and I was alone to rotten away...

I was considered a genius and I never wanted to be like this. I only wanted to be a normal boy. But that's impossible for someone like me. I could never feel love for my parents or at least, not enough to stop them from doing what they did... 

I was too different. But that's okay now... I will use this ability that was given to me. They can't control me anymore... not now.

I will prove the whole world that they were wrong. I can be a normal person, I just have a special little extra by my side.



The gif is so cute I didn't resist it xD

The initial dialogue is a part of the story guys. Sorry if some of you might find it confusing but that's how I decided to start this story.  By the way I will always leave in the end of the chapters the words that you might not know. If you prefer I can put them at the beggining of the chapters instead.

By the way... I am SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SO SHORT. I haven't picked up this story in years. Like I had a paper with the whole plot written but ever since I lost that paper I haven't touched the story but now I am willing to continue. I hope you will like it.

What is a Duodecillion❓ 

⚬A Duodecillion is a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 39 zeros (1039), and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 72 zeros (1072).

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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