She laughs and pushes me away, making me lose my balance and drop down from the sofa right on the ground. I let out a small ow, she laughs louder and I join in on her contagious laughter.

And soon our unnecessarily loud laughter fills our apartment, warming me from inside out.

⋈ ⋈ ⋈

"Grasshopper, I'm here to help," is the first sentence my boyfriend says when he sees me for the first time in a very very long time. He's dressed in a grey t-shirt and faded jeans, hair dishevelled a little at the top. His eyes hold a certain amount of longing which I'm sure mirrors in my own. He smiles at me, making my skin tingle with happiness and I walk towards him, quickly getting on my toes to peck his lips.

When I pull away, he leans in again and I push him away, a bright teasing smile on my face. He chuckles and pulls me towards him anyway, hugging me close to his body. His familiar cologne reaches my nostrils and I inhale deeply, making up for the two weeks of lost comfort. His arms tighten around me and my smile widens on my own accord, heartbeat increasing. Because there's something genuinely beautiful about hugging the person who's slowly making his way to your heart.

I pull back with a smile as he looks down at me, "I missed you."

His smile gets wider and replies, "I think I might've just missed you more. Just saying."

"And I think you're here to work, not to indulge in PDA," Mrs Warren says, making us spring apart from each other. We both turn towards her and I'm taken aback when I notice a barely visible smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am. I think Shaye might've told you how I'm here to fill in her absence," Nathan explains and Mrs Warren nods. Her gaze lands on me for a split second before going back to Nathan as she passes him an apron, which he gladly accepts and wears. I'm barely able to contain my laughter as the apron fits him a little too small, making him look like a giant in comparison. He looks at me and glares, making it even more difficult for me to control the bubbling laugh. Turning back to Mrs Warren, I hear her telling him how to pack orders when the doorbell rings, indicating a customer's entry. I turn around to greet the customer when the words die on the tip of my tongue.

"Good afternoon, Aliana," Elliot greets, a cruel smirk on his face. This time along, he's not alone. Behind him, I notice two boys, one blonde and one brunette conversing with three girls.

I plaster a smile across my face and greet, "Welcome to the Bakery. What would you like today?"

His friends look at me, giving me a once over and returning back to their conversation. I ignore the uncomfortable feeling in my gut, telling me to run as far away from them as possible and continue smiling at them.

"Do you take orders directly at the table?" he asks.

I feel a familiar presence take its place beside me, at Shaye's original space before replying, "I'm sorry sir but we don't."

"Ahh, but you'll bend the rules for me, right Ali?" Elliot smiles. My blood boils and I quickly manage to glance at Nathan when I find him busy practising different packing techniques. Noticing that he's not paying attention, I sigh and nod, making Elliot smile brightly and ushering his friends over to one of the tables.

I turn to Nathan again and I find him looking at the group and back at me, "Do you know that guy?"

I nod, "He was in my high school."

He nods slowly and turns back to them for a second before turning to me, changing the subject, "Alright boss. What do you want me to do?"

I shake my head and gesture to him to stay, "You, stay here. I'll go take their order."

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