9: Were having a baby!

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We all got out of the van and rushed into the hospital.

"She's having a baby!!" Krist said to the lady behind the desk. Watching Krist panic was really funny, but I have other things to focus on. The lady told us where to go and what to do and all that stuff.

We got a really nice room to settle into. The guys sat in there until the Doctors came in. They all sat outside of the room together. A tall doctor walked into the room and started typing stuff into his computer and asking us questions.

"Sir, your going to have to wait outside" he said

"What!! No fair" I whined and walked out. The doctor did some kind of spine thing. Then called me back in. Multiple doctors walked into the room. I crouched down next to Mackenzie's bed and held her hand. I guess the doctors already went through the instructions with her cause they kept counting and she was pushing. Mac squeezed my hand as hard as she could. She scrunched her face, she was in pain, so I kissed her head.

The doctors counted, Mac pushed. I looked down and saw a small body coming out of her, and nearly fainted. They pulled it out and it started screaming. Mackenzie started crying.

"Congratulations on your baby girl!" the doctors smiled and cleaned her off. Then they wrapped her in a blanket and let Mac hold her. Life is great!

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