The Chaotic Welcome

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(Note: Timestamps may be a bit wonky at first, I'm still trying to figure out how to pace them correctly)
(Note 2: I'm not sure how outright swearing will be handled here yet. For now '+' will be used as censors since '*' will help indicate bold and italics in text like in Discord)



->Shelly joined your party.

->A wild Nita appeared.

->Colt just joined. Everyone, look busy!

->Big Bull showed up!

->Jessie just joined the server - glhf!

->Welcome, Brock. We hope you brought pizza.

->Dynamike hopped into the server. Kangaroo!

->Bo has arrived. Party's over.

->A Tick has spawned in the server.

->Ready player 8-Bit

->Ermagherd. Emz is here.

->Challenger approaching - El Primo has appeared!

->Barley just showed up. Hold my beer.

->Poco just joined. Can I get a heal?

->Roses are red, violets are blue, Rosa joined this server with you.

->Rico joined. You must construct additional pylons.

->Welcome Ricochet. Leave your weapons by the door.

->Darryl just slid into the server.

->Penny just joined. Hide your bananas.

->It's dangerous to go alone, take Carl!

->Hey! Listen! Jacky has joined!

->Cheers, love! Piper is here!

->Pam has joined the server! It's super effective!

->Welcome, Frank. We were expecting you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

->Bibi is here to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And Bibi is all out of gum.

->Bea has joined. Stay awhile and listen!

->Hello. Is it Nani you're looking for?

->Swoooosh.Edgar just landed.

->Brace yourselves. Mortis just joined the server.

->Ha! Tara has joined! You activated my trap card!

->Gene is here, as the prophecy foretold.

->Cheers, love! Max's here!

->It's Sprout! Praise the sun! [T]/

->We've been expecting you Byron

->A Spike has spawned in the server.

-> It's a bird! It's a plane! Nevermind, it's just Crow.

->Where's Leon? In the server!

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