why paris

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City of love, Paris. This was where Shrek was headed to. To tell his highschool sweetheart how much he loved her. He loved her from the very beginning, the first time he laid eyes on her. It was as if all his thoughts and worries vanished when he looked at her. It was just a crush he told himself. Nothing more. Until one day, when Fiona bit his bully's finger and tore it off. That was when he started loving her. Everyday he would find little chances to stare at her perfectly built body, her sparkling eyes which would melt his heart. And oh her lips, pink as cherry blossoms. He was so in love that he wanted to scream that to everyone. But being an ogre was hard for him. Being an outcast. He was afraid he might get rejected and get humiliated in front of everyone. So he sat quietly. 7 years later, while cleaning up his room, Shrek found his yearbook. While skimming through the pages he saw Fiona, and got lost in deep thought. That was when his heart told him to go meet Fiona in Paris.

shrek x duolingo; bon appetite Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora