Christmas Time is here.

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Christmas Day

"Happy Holidays Blair," Chuck said as he walked on to the elevator with Nate.

They held each others until the doors closed, well Nate sure could feel the tension in the air.

Blair held back tears as he left to go to New Zealand.

There was finally a good friend feeling between them and she didn't want to break that but she still missed Chuck quite a lot, and that feeling was mutual.

"You ok Chuck?" Nate asked.

"I sense something bads going to happen," Chuck replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not quite sure, but somethings going to happen."

"Alright then," Nate laughed.

Blairs phone rang and she picked it up, "Mother? Is everything ok? Yes, of course, I'll be right over."

"Sorry Serena I have to leave you, mother needs my help," Blair said, "Goodbye Humphrey."

"Bye Blair, happy holidays!" Serena said.

"Bye S," she said.

Blair arrived home within fifteen minutes.

"Blair darling, Cyrus and I have been thinking," Eleanor said.

"We think you need to live on your own," Cyrus continued.

"What do you mean?" Blair said, "Waldorf designs isn't doing well and-"

"Let us finish dear," Eleanor sighed, "We're moving and so are you."

"We bought you an apartment and we're going to move out of the city," Cyrus said.


"Blair, its for the best," Eleanor said.


"Don't worry, we can pay your rent for a year," Cyrus said.

"I'm 18, I can pay my own rent."

"I don't think you understand how much rent is," Eleanor said.

"Ugh, why are you doing this?"

"We can't help you here and you need your own place," Cyrus said.

"Fine, but I don't want your help after a year," Blair decided.

"Merry Christmas Blair, here are your keys," Eleanor said.


Blair knew deep down that her mom and step-dad were right, but she didn't want to accept that.

"Blair we love you don't forget that," Cyrus said.

"I know, I appreciate you guys as well," Blair said, not wanting to say the word love.

You know why, those words hurt.

"Here you go," Eleanor said handing Blair the key, "Tell us if you need anything."

"Of course," Blair sighed, walking out.

And what of Dorota? Well they let her go, they didn't "fire her," they just ran out of money to pay for a housekeeper/whatever Dorota was.

Blair walked to the apartment because it was only two blocks away.

After she got there, she got in the elevator with a couple other people and pressed the top button, she did live on the top floor.

Slowly, the elevator rose and slowly more and more people got off. Eventually, it was Blair and a young man in his around 20.

"Headed to the top?" He asked.

Blair nodded.

"Not much of a talker, are we?"

"Oh, uh, sometimes," Blair said.

"I'm Leonardo, Leo for short, my father owns this building, I'm just headed up for the new person on the top floor, which I'm assuming is you?" He asked.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Leonardo," she said.

"You can call me Leo," he laughed, "Only my father and my weird friend call me Leonardo."

"I'm Blair, Blair Waldorf," Blair said as they got off the elevatotr.

"I'm assuming all the stuff in the apartment is yours?" Leo asked.

"Probably, my mother and step-dad made me move out," Blair said, "They probably put all my stuff in there."

"Of course, parents," Leo laughed handing her a piece of paper, "If you need anything, just give me a call."

"I thought you were supposed to like help me," Blair said.

"Or I just wanted to talk to you," he said backing on to the elevator.

He mimicked the doors closing as they closed and Blair laughed.

"New year, new me," Blair thought as she unlocked the door to her apartment.

She walked in and she liked it very much. It was very much her style with a guest room and a main room. She walked to the living room window and looked down. It was a long way down.

To her surprise she saw someone walk in the building in a strange outfit.

"They need help," Blair thought and laughed at the strangeness of the outfit.

She continued to set up the apartment in the way she liked it then decided to call Serena.

"Hey B!" Serena said, picking up the phone almost instantly, "Everything ok?"

"Well, um, Cyrus and my mother think that I should have my own space, so uh, I have an apartment and I was wondering if you wanted to come see it," Blair said.

"Oh B, I would love to, but I just invited Dan on a road trip and he said yes, and we're leaving tonight."

"Of course, it is winter break, go have fun!" Blair laughed.

"I can stay back if you want," Serena said, sensing loneliness in her friends voice.

"No, no, go have fun, I can make my own fun," said Blair

"Are you-"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Alright if you need anything just give me a call," Serena sighed.

She didn't want to leave her best friend alone, because she knew that Blair really needed someone in that moment. Not just anybody she needed her best friends, but, Nate and Chuck went on a vacation and Serena was going on a road trip with Dan.

Blair wasn't "needy." She was just lonely. And sad.

Maybe Blair would try giving this Leo guy a chance, who knows.

What do you think she should do?


Dear reader, this came in a dream to me. Please comment stuff that you think should or will happen.

Have a lovely day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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