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original authors summary:

  Brian has a rough day, Jon makes it better


original authors notes:

Due to quarantine in my country closing down schools/workplaces, I'll hopefully be updating a lot more frequently (requests are encouraged and appreciated!)

Please stay safe during these scary times, lovelies. Look after yourselves and your families, wash your hands and try to stay calm. We're in this together 💕


"Fuck. Off." Brian turned his head away, glaring daggers at the bedroom wall. He hugged his knees to his chest, refusing to look anyone in the eye with his jaw stubbornly jutted out.

Frankly, the four boys huddled in the doorway had no idea what to do, the lead guitarist was never in a bad mood. On the contrary, he was the comforter: the one that held Jonathan when he cried, play-fought with Reg, kept spirits up, pulled pranks, acted goofy till everyone was in fits of laughter.

Not that any of them blamed him for his anger, it had been a particularly stressful evening; what with malfunctioning instruments, last minute changes and less-than-mediocre food on top of all the usual mayhem.

Tensions were way past boiling point when Brian finally flipped, a snapped guitar string was all it took to send him storming off to his room accompanied by a tirade of cursing. Even after a few hours, any attempt to calm him down had been met with either grumbling or the silent treatment.

Jonathan frowned, anxiously twisting his hair. "I might have an idea..." He mumbled, breaking away from the group to sit next to his boyfriend on the bed. "Head, look at me."

Brian's eyes flicked to the side, his lips still pressed in a firm line. "M' not in the mood." He huffed quietly.

"Please?.." The singer slipped his hand into his partner's and interlocked their fingers. "Babe, you know that I know how to make you smile." He coaxed, crossing his legs.

The other man stiffened but didn't pull away. "Don't. I don't want to."

"Well boo-hoo, cos I'm not leaving till you smile."

"Jon, I mean it." He rolled his eyes under the cover of his braids, trying his damnedest to ignore the boy cuddled into his side. The beautiful, amusing, perfect, hot-as-hell boy that- no. He was angry, and nothing was going to change that. "I don't want to."

"Tough shit."

"Jonathan, I swear to fuck-"

"Look at me, you stubborn bastard." Jonathan cupped Brian's cheek and turned his head towards him, the sweetest grin he could muster lighting up his face.

Goddamnit. That fucking smile.

The edges of Brian's lips twitched, Jonathan's smile was his kryptonite and he fucking knew it. Despite his best efforts, a goofy grin flashed across his face. "Little shit!" He growled playfully, digging his fingers into his boyfriend's ribs.

Jonathan laughed and kicked at the air. "Hah, he's smiling! It worked!" He beamed, still trying to squirm away from Brian's intrusive fingers.

"Did not, liar! I'm still very very very mad at all of you."

"Suuuuure you are(!)" David snickered, ducking to avoid the pillow that came hurtling in his general direction. "Hey!"

"Piss off~" Brian stuck out his tongue, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Good to have you back, buddy." James grinned, dragging Reg and David away to give the couple some privacy.

Once their friends had left, Jonathan let Brian manhandle him till he was underneath him with his head on the pillows. "I told you I'd get you to smile~" He teased, tilting his chin to trail kisses along the other man's jaw.

"You're lucky you're pretty~..." Brian hummed, settling between Jonathan's thighs and leaning in so they were nose-to-nose.

"Oh yeah~?"

"Yeah~..." The guitarists eyes seemed to darken, "Seriously though, you know you make me real happy, right?.." His nose scrunched in thought, using his knuckles to stroke his boyfriend's cheek.

"Jesus, don't go all lovey-dovey on me." Jonathan leaned into Brian's touch, eyes sparkling. "But yeah, I know... You make me happy too, Head. I love you~..."

Brian smiled widely, not needing to hide it this time around, and pecked Jonathan's lips. "I love you too, silly boy~" He sighed, content with just staring into the eyes of the man he cared for so deeply.

He wasn't angry, not anymore.

korn oneshots originally by HauntedByShadows on ao3Where stories live. Discover now