one step at a time

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original authors note: 

I'm gonna preface this by saying this is purely a work of fiction, no disrespect is meant towards any of the guys who are in/were in KoRn (those guys are my idols). This should be obvious but some folk really don't like FanFiction about real people

There is such a severe lack of FanFiction for these dudes, so imma change that singlehandedly

Quick points:

• I've changed their heights slightly to play into the height difference dynamic

• The polyamorous relationship in (some of) these oneshots is a vee relationship - meaning that one person is dating two people who are not romantically/sexually involved

I hope you enjoy :D


original authors summary:

Everyone needs a cuddle sometimes, even rockstar Jonathan Davis


"Head! Dude, wake up!" James roughly shook his band mate awake, squinting in the darkness of the tour-bus bedroom.

"Mmf..." Brian mumbled, groggy from sleep. "Whasamatter?..."

"It's Jon. I don't know what's going on but I could hear him crying..." He lowered his voice; the walls of the bus were thin as hell.

Immediately, Brian shot up and rolled out of bed with a decent thud. "Aw shit, m'up m'up..." He rubbed his eyes, pushing his hair back from his face. "How long has he been crying for?"

"Ten-fifteen minutes, I dunno man. He might not even be awake."

Both men crept down the hall, continuing their hushed conversation whilst trying not to trip over discarded clothes and energy-drink cans. They'd done this many times before, the stress of touring took a big toll on Jonathan in more ways than one and the nightmares were a regular reoccurrence.

As they reached the back of the bus, Brian cocked his head towards the door and sure enough, faint sniffles could be heard through the wood. The sound shattered his heart and turning to James, he could see the same pain in his best-friend's eyes.

"Hey, JD?" Brian called softly, cheek pressed to the wall. "It's Head and Munky, can we come in?"

The sniffles ceased in an instant but no response came. James and Brian exchanged puzzled looks, jostling to both fit against the door.

"Uh, Jon? Baby, can you open the door please?" James murmured, looking to Brian for guidance who shrugged helpfully in response.

Eventually, after some hiccups and shuffling, the door clicked open. Jonathan remained half-hidden behind the door, messy hair not quite concealing his watery eyes and red cheeks.

Brian's gaze softened, stepping forward to scoop the smaller boy into his arms. "Oh, baby boy..." He whispered, holding Jonathan to his chest, who promptly burst into tears again. "Shh, Shh it's okay. I know it's scary but it's not real..."

Heart aching, James rushed to hug Jonathan from behind and smothered his ear and neck with gentle kisses. "Hey, we're here, we've got you..."

Jonathan continued sobbing softly into Brian's shoulder, shoulders convulsing with every breath. The tallest of the trio cradled the singer, one arm under his hips and the other supporting his head as he swayed from side-to-side.

korn oneshots originally by HauntedByShadows on ao3Where stories live. Discover now