Chapter 18: Prom (2)

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'But, what about Hyun Jin, Kyle and Jagi?' I thought.

"Chanyeol, we need to go out. I have to find Jagi..." I said but he grabbed me.

"Then, the surprise will not be a surprise anymore..." he stated. I pushed his hand away from me and glared.

"I rather have my Jagi than waiting a surprise without her by my side.." I stated.

"We'll join you..." the others said.

"I'm a bit worried about Hyun Jin,too... You know how important she is to me..." Chanyeol said looking down, worriedly

"So, it's settled... Let's go... " Suho said and we ran to the fire exit but then it was locked. We tried every single way out the gym but all of them were locked. We could see Kyle locking the other doors. 

What the- why is he locking the doors??? Is he trapping all of us here in the gym?? I thought and we approached him.

"Hey Kyle!!!" Kai called. He finished locking the last door and turned to us.

"Yeah?" he asked as he walked towards us.

"What the hell are you doing?" Suho asked.

"Are you trying to trap us all here???" Chen said with a high tone.

"Nopey - dopey... Someone ordered me and I can't say no to that person..." he stated.

"And who the hell is that person, Kyle?" D.O. asked.

"Can't tell... it's secret between the two of us... I gave her my word and I can't break that..." he said smiling, his hands in his pockets.

"So, it's a her..." Kris said staring at him.

"Nae~" he nodded.

"W-wait... don't tell me, it's Soo Yeon who planned this..." I said looking at him with a worried face on.

"I'm telling you, I won't tell you anything unless she told me so~" he said and left.

~~~~ Meanwhile ~~~~

Soo Yeon's PoV

A minute passed by and the moon was covered by shadows. Feathers were falling around us. I heard some giggles in mid air...

"Skip the teasing part! This is an emergency!" I shouted.

One by one, my angel friends went down. They were armored in silver and gold. Some of them hold a crossbow, a morning star and some were holding an electrical whip.

"I heard you were being followed by demons..." a familiar voice said. I looked back and saw her.

"Hannie, I miss you!" I said and hugged her. I saw her smile and hugged me back.

"I miss you, too... I knew that this place is more dangerous than ours..." she said as she pulled away.

"Anyways, we're here to fight and not to chit chat!" I exclaimed.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" I heard a scream and found out that one of the 100 angels disappeared.

"Omo! Where's May?" Vanova asked. Then, we saw something falling. Hannie ran fast and got her before she landed on the ground.

I ran towards them and saw May, she was paler and her grey eyes turned to white. Her lips were dry and she got scars. I looked down at her body and saw that she was stabbed by a demon's knife in her chest.

"S-soo Yeon... Pr-protect y-your love on-es... They they are after your weakness..." she stated and looked at Hannie who was crying.

"M-may don't leave us..." Hanie said as she hugged her tightly. She smiled and wiped Hanie's tears away.

Hannie's PoV

I can't loose her! She's my closest angel friend! She's been there for me since we were small angels. I was with her during our training to become the Guardians of the Gate... I can't loose her now... I continued to cry as I held her more tightly.

"Don't cry you pabo!" she said. Her voice cracking.

"Why wouldn't I? You're like my sister and now here you are going to die..." I said as more tears flow from my eyes.

"D-don't cry... J-just promise me t-that you will get r-rev-venge on those demons... I l-love you..." she said and blood came out from her mouth. Light slowly formed around her and she floated in mid air. She exploded into tiny pieces of light and was gone.

She's my sister-like friend and now she's gone and I can't return her home. I'll surely miss her, her soft laughs and whispers. But I have to be strong! I stood up and faced them.



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So, I put one of my biggest fan... (I think) in the story... 

@EunHanniee99 is Hannie for short...

Anyways do you like it? Don't forget to vote and of course, comment your reactions and suggestions in the comment box. You can also message me if you want!!! That's all!!!

Peace! Love yah all!

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