Jerk Ex-Boyfriends

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Enjoy~! A little late, I know. Also some jerk ex-boyfriend Dabi & Dadmasa.

(EDITED: 6/29/22)

Izuku stared out the window. He saw white specks floating from the sky. He walked over & tugged on his dad's arm. "P-papa, what's t-that?" Keigo looked up from his phone.

Keigo picked up Izuku. "That's snow, my feather." Izuku looked on awe. "S-snow!" His eyes held stars. "L-looks fun!" Keigo nodded. He placed Izuku on his bed & walked out.

Yawarakai walked in. "Doc says it's safe to go out!" Keigo nodded & took Izuku's hand. He placed a coat on the smol child. Izuku gave a confused look. "So you stay warm, feather." Izuku nodded.

Izuku ran out into the snow, giggling. Keigo watched with a smile. Arms met the hero's waist. "Hello, Keigo." Keigo stiffened. "Dabi." The man let go & laughed. "Miss me?"

Keigo scoffed. "No. I have someone new." Dabi frowned. "P-papa!" Izuku held up a small clump of snow. Keigo turned to the boy. "Good job, baby!" Izuku sat on the ground & made a small snow mound.

Dabi grabbed Keigo's arm. "You have kid!? Since when?!" Keigo looked at his feet. "I-" A new sound of footsteps entered the area. "N-naomasa!" Both men whipped their head around to see Naomasa. The man picked up the boy. "Hey, buddy." Izuku squealed in delight.

Keigo smiled. Dabi looked between Keigo & Naomasa. "Oh. You slept with this guy." Keigo faced the burnt chicken nugget. "N-no! It's not-" Dabi slapped Keigo clear across his face. "You wh•re." Keigo held his cheek with tears in his eyes.

Naomasa stood up. "Get your filthy hands off him." Dabi faced the brunette. "You slept with my man." Naomasa laughed. "He's mine now, b•tch." He held Keigo in his arms. "You okay, baby?" Keigo nodded.

Izuku ran up to Dabi. "L-leave my p-papa alone!" Dabi kicked the boy & sent him tumbling. Izuku held his stomach. Keigo punched the man in the face. "Touch my son again & I'll have your head on a plaque." Naomasa picked up Izuku.

The boy curled in on himself. Naomasa wiped away a few stray tears. "It's okay." Izuku hugged the brunette. "Shh. Shh. It's okay, little one." Izuku snuggled up to the man. Keigo & Naomasa walked into the hospital.

Izuku was being given a check up by Yawarakai. Keigo faced Naomasa. "I'm sorry-" Naomasa cut him off with a soft kiss. "It's okay, baby." Keigo felt tears stream down his face. "If I was stronger-" Naomasa grabbed Keigo's shoulders.

He tilted Keigo's chin up. "You are perfect & powerful." Keigo buried his face in Naomasa's shirt. "My son is hurt & it's my fault." Naomasa whispered sweet nothings to the shorter.

Izuku sat up with a wince. "W-wheres papa?" Yawarakai stroked his hair. "He is talking to Naomasa." Izuku nodded. "C-can I see h-him?" Yawarakai walked out.

He tapped Keigo on the shoulder. "Izuku wants to see you." He nodded. Izuku gave the blonde 'grabby hands'. Keigo placed Izuku on his arms. "P-papa, okay?" Keigo buried his face in Izuku's hair.

Naomasa walked in. "Hey, buddy." Izuku gave him a wave. Keigo placed Izuku in bed & placed a kiss on his forehead. "You need rest, my feather." Izuku nodded. Keigo guided Naomasa into the hallway.

The brunette pulled the blonde into a hug. "Something is bothering you, love." Keigo remained silent. Naomasa sighed & bent down. He pressed a kiss to the side of Keigo's neck. The blonde didn't move. "You have my number."

He pushed some stray hairs away. "Call me if you need to." Keigo nodded. "O-okay." The brunette waved & walked away. Keigo walked back into the room. He flipped onto the small couch. "Ugh..."

If you ship Dabihawks... I'm sorry. Please no hate.
Words: 637

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