Her brother's keeper

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Athena was currently at the Manhattan Diamond Exchange with Jason because a friend of theirs had invited them after donating money to the History department that Jason works at the University. The two were currently walking around the room and looking at the various diamonds when Athena spotted Jackal and Hyena.

"Oh, no," She sighed. Jason took notice of Athena and looked over to see Jackal and Hyena.

"What are they doing here?" Jason growled as his eyes glowed red.

"Jason, you have to calm down or else we're going to have a panic on our hands with Etrigan," Athena told him.

Jason took a deep calming breath and when his eyes opened, they were normal, "Thank you, my love."

"Your welcome," She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Isn't that sweet," Xanatos commented. The two turned to face him, "Funny meeting you two here. Didn't really picture this as your kind of scene."

"We were invited by a friend," Athena told him.

"I don't believe we had the pleasure of being formally introduced," Xanatos said to Jason and held out his hand, "I'm David Xanatos."

Jason shook his hand, "I'm well aware of who you are, Mr. Xanatos. I'm Jason Blood. And I believe the last time we met was when my father-in-law had visited you at the castle."

"Is there a reason why you're here Xanatos? Or did you just come here to bother me and my husband?" Athena asked.

"Actually, I'm here to purchase the Coyote Diamond," He replied.

Athena looked over and saw a worker open the case of the diamond, no doubt the one that Jackal and Hyena were trying to open to steal the diamond, was open and was removed by the worker. A moment later, the worker walked over to Xanatos with the diamond, which he examined with an almost predatory gleam in his eye.

"This should look nice next to the Star of Arabia." He mused.

"I bet it would be even nicer next to The Eye of Odin," Athena whispered to Jason.

Suddenly, Jackal leaps into the air, somersaulting across the room until he lands directly behind Xanatos. He roundhouse-kicked the man in the back of the head, knocking into Athena and Jason, then snatched up the diamond as he dropped it. He tossed it deftly over his shoulder, into the waiting hand of his sister. He smiled down at the diamond with a chilling grin. Her brother then ran over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Time to go, sis." He said through his teeth.

"I don't take orders from anyone!" Hyena snapped. "Not even you brother."

"Let's just go!" Jackal insisted.

Jackal turned on his heels, dashing for the elevator. Hyena followed close behind, her knife still gripped in her hands. As the doors closed behind them, Xanatos stood up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Call the police, Owen." He ordered.

Athena opened her clutch purse and took out her badge and gun, "This why I always carry my badge and gun, Jason. You never know when things might get exciting."

Athena kissed him on the cheek before placing her badge on the strap of her purse and ran after Hyena and Jackal. When she reached the roof, she saw Jackal and Hyena with air gliders, ready to jump off the roof, but before they could, Derek and Elisa rose above the roof in the helicopter, blocking their path.

"This is the police!" Derek called through a megaphone. "Stay where you are!"

The wind caused by the helicopter blades spinning blew the air gliders out of the hands of Jackal and Hyena. The two then ran away and split up. While Athena went after Hyena, Derek and Elisa stayed with Jackal.

Gargoyles: Daughter of Two Worldsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن