"Night Terrors"

119 13 5

(A/N: italics = flashbacks.)

Bobby and Maura didn't have anything against us being in a relationship, but they didn't like the idea of us sleeping in a bed together. Is it just me or does that not make sense? It's not like we were going to do the deed right when they're next door. We have manners! That's like me asking them to not cuddle because it bothers me. 

So here I am, in this blue sleeping bag on the floor in Niall's room. He offered multiple times for me to have the bed, but everytime I said ''No.' because I think sleeping in a little comfy cocoon like that is so cool.

Sometimes when I'm over there and sleeping in the sleeping bag, I often dream about waking up to be a butterfly with pillows for wings. But then I wake up disappointed that Barack Obama and I didn't become butterflies and raid Krispy Kreme Headquaters.

One night, Niall was moving around the bed, and normally I don't get annoyed by this because he does it a lot when his room gets hot, but this time he was just rolling around and mumbling things I couldn't understand. So I got closer . I know what you're thinking, and no its not creepy. I was scared hearing, "uuugggh" and "meeehruuh" for the past ten minutes in pitch black.

He was sound asleep. This must be a night terror? I don't think i've ever had one of those. I like to have happy dreams with Niall and I beating the fudge guy from CandyLand to the ground, because he scared us both when we were younger.

I didn't know what to do, so I just listened in to what he was saying.

"nothing.." he mumbled.

" nothing...hate this." I frowned. What does that mean?

I shined my phone over the bed, but I froze. Niall's eyes were wide open and looking at me before he closed them and started to scream.

"Get away! I hate you!" He yelled. I knew it wasn't directed at me, but it still hurt.

Maura knocked on the door and I quickly opened it-bless her and her manners- she went up to Niall and hugged him. "Shh, shh, it's okay, love. It's okay. Go back to sleep, okay? I'm right here. There you go, love. Close your eyes and I'll sing you your favorite lullaby." Niall obeyed and closed his eyes and Maura smiled.

"Hush now, my baby. Be still, love, don't cry. Sleep while you're rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember my last lullaby, and I'll be with you when you dream."

She repeated this twice until he was snoring again. She sighed and put her hand on his tear stained cheek, "What am I to do with you?" She kissed his forehead and got up from the bed, "It was just a nightmare. First time witnessing it is always scary, but the second and third times aren't as bad."

I just nodded and gave her a hug. Seeing her do this made me feel warm inside. It made me have a dream where Niall and I were happy. 


I heard a baby cry from another room, "your turn." Niall mumbled in to the pillow. "My turn for what?" I asked. He groaned and threw a pillow at me, "go!"

I walked around the unfamilair house. I got a bottle from the fridge and heated it up in the microwave and jogged my way to a light pink room with duckies on the wall. "Good morning, pumpkin. Time for breakfast already?" I asked as I picked the baby up from the crib, "You're getting more and more beautiful every day. Next thing I know, you'll be making the boys and girls head over heels at daycare for you!" I chuckled.

The baby with blue eyes stared in to my hazel ones as she sucked on the bottle, "Hey, too fast." I warned taking the bottle, "Be slow, you don't want another tummy ache." She giggled and grabbed my thumb. It made my heart flutter. "My beautiful little princess. How did we get so lucky?" She cooed as I started to burp her. "Your grandma used to sing your daddy a song so he can fall asleep and have nice dreams. Did you know I get to sing it to both of you now?"

As I started to sing the song, I slowly danced with my daughter, making us go around in circles. I went very slow, not wanting her to get dizzy, and sat her down in her crib.

"Goodnight M-"


"Good morning!" Niall smiled, "Mom's making pancakes! Let's go!" I smiled and looked at the blonde in disblief. Did I really just have that dream?

❤ ❤ ❤

A/N: if you don't know on the side is the lullaby. I only made her sing one part of the lullaby, but three times, because I thought that part fit well with this chapter. :)

I know not a lot of people will answer this, but...

Which High School Musical was your favorite?

Mine is the last one, but let's be honest all of them are amazing.

Cotton Candy// Nashton Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt