" I had the hugest crush on you!"

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I closed my eyes and sighed. I can't believe this is actually happening.

'What you need, right now, is happiness, and I'll be your happiness. Forever if you want.' 

I sniffled and looked at Bobby who simply patted my back. I nodded, "I'm ready."

The piano started to play as Bobby and I made our way down the aisle. Everyone stood up, but I couldn't meet anyone's gaze; I was too nervous. Before I knew it, we had made our way down to the alter. Bobby shook my hand and Maura got up and kissed my cheek, "Good luck" she whispered.

I bit my lip and smiled, "Thank you." Tugging on my tie, I cleared my throat and giggled, " Niall?" I smiled, "Remember that time we first started speaking to each other?" I looked around the room and found my mother. She gave me a small smile before wiping her eyes.  I let out a shaky breathe before looking back at my husband-to-be.

I continued, " We had to be partners for Chemistry in freshman year. I didn't do much to help you because I had really bad anxiety and I had the hugest crush on you!" I giggled and that made the crowd of people in front of me let out small chuckles. "You told me during one of our projects that I was cute, and you really liked it when I blushed. My face was as red as a tomato by the end of class and you were cracking up!"

I saw my mother smile from the corner of my eye. "My mother had no problem with me being my true self. She didn't mind if I liked boys. I remember her telling me, "Ashton, the only way I could possibly yell at you for is for getting in trouble at school, cheating on your lover, getting in trouble outside of school, or getting an STD. You shouldn't be scared to be in love. I support you; You're my son and I love you."To this day I still get weird stares from people, I get called out for being a 'Fag' but I don't mind anymore. My mother gave me enough confidence to not feel ashamed of being in love."

I shifted my weight on to my other foot, "I'm blessed to have her as a mom. Thank you for being there for me when I was coming out, mom." I turned to her, "Thank you for letting me love the only other person who understood me. I love you." She started to cry, but she had the biggest smile on her face. 

I smiled as a tear fell down my cheek, "After that day - of the chemistry project - I had asked to sit by Niall at lunch. He said "Yes," and I remember having the biggest smile on my face. After about a week, though, I noticed he never bought or made an actual lunch."

I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged my shoulders, smiling back at Niall, " I liked sitting next to you at lunch because you'd only ever eat cotton candy. One day I asked you, " Why do you like cotton candy?" You smiled and replied, "Well, it's fluffy, it tastes good, it comes in different colors, and everyone seems to like it!" I think...I think after that day is when I started to like you. I would sometimes snack on the sweet myself, and always think of you. Of course, when I told you this you laughed."

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Cotton Candy// Nashton Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon