Chapter 7

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When the after-supper visiting was concluded, most of the guests began to retire for the evening. As Annabelle walked through one of the arched entrances of the drawing room, she saw that the other wallflowers were waiting for her. Smiling at their expectant faces, she went with them to a niche where they could exchange a few private words.

"Well?" Lillian demanded.

"Mama and I are going on a walk with Lord Kendall tomorrow morning," Annabelle said.


"Alone," Annabelle confirmed. "In fact, we're meeting at daybreak, to avoid being accompanied by a herd of husband hunters."

Were they in a more private setting, they might have all squealed with glee. Instead, they settled for exchanging triumphant grins, while Daisy stamped her feet in an exuberant little victory dance.

"Wh-what is he like?" Evie asked.

"Shy, but pleasant," Annabelle replied. "And he seems to have a sense of humor, which I hadn't dared to hope for."

"All that, and teeth, too," Lillian exclaimed.

"You were right about him being spooked easily," Annabelle said. "I am certain that Kendall would not be attracted to a strong-willed woman. He's cautious and soft-spoken. I'm trying to be demure-although I should probably feel guilty for the deception."

"All women do that during courtship-and men, too, for that matter," Lillian said prosaically. "We try to conceal our defects and say the things we think the other one wants to hear. We pretend that we're always lovely and sweet-tempered and that we don't mind the other's nasty little habits. And then after the wedding, we lower the boom."

"I don't think that men have to pretend quite as much as women do, however," Annabelle replied. "If a man is portly, or has brown teeth, or is somewhat dull-witted, he's still a catch as long as he is a gentleman and has some money. But women are held to far more exacting standards."

"Which is why we're all w-wallflowers," Evie said.

"We won't be for long," Annabelle promised with a smile.

Evie's aunt Florence came from the ballroom, looking witchlike in a black dress that did not flatter her sallow complexion. There was little family resemblance between Evie, with her round face and red hair and freckled complexion, and her ill-tempered aunt, who was a dry little wisp of a woman. "Evangeline," she said sharply, throwing the group a disapproving glance as she gestured to the girl. "I've warned you not to disappear like that-I have searched everywhere for you, for at least ten minutes, and I do not recall that you asked for permission to meet with your friends. And of all the girls for you to associate with..." Chattering angrily, Aunt Florence stalked toward the grand staircase, while Evie sighed and fell into step behind her. As they watched, Evie stuck her hand behind her back and waggled her fingers to wave good-bye.

"Evie says her family is very wealthy," Daisy remarked. "But she says that they're all unhappy, every last one of them. I wonder why?"

"Old money," Lillian said. "Father says there is nothing like a lifetime of affluence to make one aware of what one hasn't got." She tucked her arm into Daisy's. "Come, dear, before Mother realizes that we've disappeared." She glanced at Annabelle with an inquiring smile. "Will you come walk with us, Annabelle?"

"No, thank you. My mother will meet me at the foot of the stairs in just a moment."

"Good night, then." Lillian's dark eyes glowed as she added, "By the time we awaken tomorrow, you'll have already gone on your walk with Kendall. I'll expect a full report at breakfast."

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