The Supernatural chp. 2

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I heard the sound of breathing and my eyes shot open

"Happy birthday De!" shouted my parents

I groaned and looked at my clock. It was six AM! Don't my patents know me well enough to not wake me up in the morning? I get cranky and nobody wants to see that side of me.

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Make a wish" said my mom holding out a cake with sixteen lit candles on it

Yeah, today was my sixteenth birthday. Big woop. I didn't have any friends to call or go out with. Ever since my best friend, Brody moved away two years ago, I was a loner. Brody moved away unexpectedly and I still to this day didn't know why. I did miss him at times when I was all alone with no one to talk to or hang out with. All of the girls in my school hated me anyway.

"I wish it was ten so I wouldn't have to wake up so early" I said and blew out the candles

The alarm clock by my bed dinged like it did every hour and I looked to see it read 10:00 AM

"Woah, that was weird" I said sitting up. Maybe the clock had a short circuit or something.

My parents exchanged worried looks

"What's wrong? The clock probably had a short circuit or something"

"Oh, yeah, probably" said my mom with the same worried look on her face

"Well, get up and dressed, we'll go make you a birthday breakfast" said my dad pulling my mom out of the room

"That was weird" I mumbled as I got out of bed

To tell you the truth, weird things happened to me all the time. A few years ago, I got really mad at this girl for hanging my bra on the bulletin board at school and the next thing I knew, my bra was replaced with hers and the school was laughing at her instead of me. Like I said, girls hate me. Also, a few months ago I was really hungry because I didn't eat breakfast and a piece of toast popped into my hand. It was really strange but I got over it. After all, there was nothing wrong with me.

I grabbed my glasses off my bedside table, got ready and walked downstairs. In the kitchen, my mom was in front of the stove and my dad was sitting at the table reading the paper. The clock read 10:14. I wonder if there was a power serge or something.

I sat down at the table next to my dad and poured myself a glass or orange juice.

"So, sweetie, I was thinking" said my mom with her back turned to me. "Maybe since you don't have any friends or anything you would like to go shopping later"

Oh great. My parents were always reminding me about the fact that I didn't have any friends. I'm sure they didn't mean to but it got really annoying sometimes. I mean, what if I was a loner by choice? They wouldn't know.

I narrowed my eyes. "Thanks mom but I really don't need to be reminded again, that I don't have any friends"

The glass of orange juice in front of me broke and the juice spilled onto the table.

I screamed and my dad looked down from his paper with wide eyes. My mom turned around with a spatula in her hand and her mouth fell open

"Angela..." my dad started to say. "Do you think..."

"No, it's not possible, they said..."

"But what if they were wrong about her what if she's..."

"Henry, if she was, why would have taken this long..."

"Um, hello? I'm still here!" I said angrily

Both my parents snapped their heads towards mine

"What are you guys talking about? Who said what? And what took so long?" I said looking back and forth at them

"Delilah, we think that you may be..." said my dad

"No!" my mom shouted cutting him off. "Henry" she said sternly

"Look, I know what they said but it's still possible for her..."

"What the hell are you two talking about!" I shouted

"Delilah, your different" my dad said quickly

"Henry!" shouted my mom

"No Angela, I think it's time we told her, she's old enough and I think she can handle it"

"Handel WHAT?!" I screamed. "What is different suppose to mean!?"

My mom sighed and walked over to my dad and I

"Honey, you not like other kids" she said quietly


"Have you ever noticed that when you get really mad or feel some kind of emotion weird things happen?" said my dad

"Y-yeah, I guess. But what does that have to do with anything?" now I was getting confused

"You can do things other kids can't" my dad said

I raised an eyebrow. "Can we get to the point because you two are really confusing me and kind of weirding me out"

"Delilah, you're a wizard" said my mom

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