dusty photographs

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I own nothing but my original characters.

"He's an ass."

Narumi tugged the sleeves of her creamy white shirt, fiddling with the buttons while the voice in the comm curved around her ear hummed thoughtfully. "He's filthy rich. 'Course he's gonna be an ass."

"I get that," Narumi said dryly, snatching up the tie lying on her bed. "But I can't believe he did that to me."

"I'm pretty damn sure he's had his share in women. You gotta do something extra to melt that frosty heart."

"I don't think he's the type to fall for that." Narumi deducted, sliding the tie around her neck. "He was looking at me like he was trying to dissect me or something."

"You think he's suspicious?"

"No, but he looked..." She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Kinda annoyed, I guess?"

"Care to elaborate on that?"

Narumi glanced at the mirror for a second, contemplating and sitting down on the edge of the queen sized bed. "You said he works in the third division, right?"

"Yeah?" The answer came smoothly. "I set you in the first division so it won't raise any suspicions when you kill him."

Narumi slid on the sleeves of her blazer, smoothing the black fabric over her undershirt. "Yeah, I know that. But can you pull me a file on the other members in the third div as well?"

"Other members?" The voice mused loudly. "What do you need the other members for?"

"Kambe seems to like them," Narumi explained, buttoning up the blazer and slipping out her ponytail from the back collar. She had clearly seen how Daisuke tensed, albeit slightly but she could pick up the crease between his brows. The subtle downturn of his lips as Narumi warmly clasped hands with his so called partner. Narumi tugged the scrunchie off, running her fingers through her hair absently. "We gotta find his weaknesses first."

The voice hummed in approval in her ear, clicking sounds of a keyboard echoing through the communication link. "I'm sending their bios over. They don't look any special— I remember this guy!"

Narumi reached across the bed, pulling her laptop near and clicking away on the new tabs flickering to life before her. With one click of her finger, a window opened. Several words loaded up on the entire page. Narumi leaned against her palm propped on the bedsheets below her, gaze halting over the picture.

Tired golden eyes, tousled sandy hair. The frown seemed to be etched on his face.

"This guy was there when you were in the subway."

"He seems to be Kambe's partner." Narumi scrolled through the profile, skimming through the information. "But it doesn't really look like he likes Kambe from much."

"Don't try to run away from the actual topic."

Narumi thumbed down the page absently. "What do you mean?"

"Like that fucking stunt you pulled in the subway!" The man snapped over the communication link. "If I hadn't told you the guy had a fake gun, you could've got shot!"

"But I didn't."

"You didn't— fuck! Don't try to play fucking hero, 'Rumi."

"I have no interest in playing hero." Narumi halted over the designation section. Ex-first division.

"You can't die on me. Not when we're so fucking close to winning an entire lottery from that Kambe bastar—"

"Is there a reason why Kambe is here though?" Narumi interrupted, switching through each of the MCPTF members' profiles. "In Japan, I mean."

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