"You mentioned before that the Shadow Temple was a mass grave for your people." He clenched his first at his side and waited, seeing if Sheik would elaborate. The other was working his fingers through his braid, undoing it and brushing out the stray locks. He turned back around and looked to Link, giving a slow nod.

   "We should continue, I can explain as we walk, no use in standing here and burning sunlight." Together they made their way back on the path, walking beside each other. Link kept an eye out for monsters and Sheik redid the braid in his hair, nimble fingers moving through the task easily. "I told you we were the royal family's greatest weapon and their greatest fear. It's always been like that. There was a war before I was born, between the Hylians and the Sheikah. They thought we were becoming a problem, aiming to rise against them. They assumed the worst of us. They wanted to keep control of us, wanted to make sure we knew our place." He looked up toward the tower and started in the direction of it again. His tone was cold and factual, as if he wasn't talking about his own family but just telling a story. He was using the task of finding the tower to distract himself from what he was saying.

   "Impa said they came at night, no warning. They'd executed the Sheikah that worked at the castle, cut their heads right off under claims of treason. Spying on the royal family. They had no proof of course." They moved to the side and walked around the ruins of the old buildings to avoid the moblins lurking around. "They razed the village, dragged the people out into the street. The Sheikah fought back but the King had brought the entire army. No matter how strong we are, we're few compared to a King's army of soldiers." It seemed so excessive and drastic. "Impa said her grandmother hid in the Graveyard, said it was the poorest moment of her life. Where she acted like a coward instead of a Sheikah. She was five."

   Sheik stopped at the edge of a wall and reached up, finding his footing and ascending. Link followed after him and they climbed upward toward the Tower on the top. It wasn't very long up and once Sheik was on solid ground he turned around and helped Link up. They were closer now and Link knew the way to Hateno Village from here. It wouldn't be long now.

   "They left a few alive, not many. And those of us that remained carried the bodies of the deceased Sheikah to the Shadow Temple. There, they buried everyone and created a sign to immortalize the deeds done against them by the Royal Family."

   It was a lot to take in but mostly Link felt sorry for Sheik. He was right, history seemed to repeat itself for the Sheikah. "What did it say?"

   "Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred." It seemed oddly fitting for the story but he can only imagine the pain they were in when they made that. To have your entire history slaughtered in the streets during the night.

   "And yet your mother served the family with loyalty and without resentment. I just find that so hard to believe." He shook his head and looked up to the tower. "What about you, do you hate them?"

   Sheik pulled out a flint from Link's pack and a Dirk from his thigh. He sat the flint down by the thorns that wrapped around the ground and up the tower. Striking the flint he started a small fire and lit the thorns up. "I was raised with the Princess." Link blinked and looked to the other in shock. "We were the same age. Along with the Hero of Time. If he wasn't left to the Kokiri Forest, I bet he would have gotten to know us too."

   The thorns cleared and Sheik moved to climb the tower. Link followed closely behind him and the other continued to explain. "Impa was close to the Princess's mother, who apparently expressed her sadness over what happened to the Sheikah Tribe. I don't remember her well, so I can't say if she was truthful or not. It's why Impa felt so strongly for the Princess. When the Queen died I think Impa filled the role of a mother figure for her." That made sense to Link and even more sense on why she'd carry a lack of hatred for the Royal Family. "Impa was the first one of us to serve the Royal Family after what they did. I think the Queen asked her to guard her daughter when she was born. A favor to a friend you can say." They reached the top and Link took the Sheikah Slate over to the terminal in the center.

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