Once Upon A Sister

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Chapeter One:

"Rebecca, come here!" My mother yelled from the living room. I hoped off my bed, turned off the light, and headed towards my parents. They were sitting side by side on the couch, holding hands and looking very serious. A little too serious if you ask me. "Your father and I have something we need to talk to you about." Uh oh..I didn't like where this was going. The last time we had one of our family talks was the year I moved to Michigan. Yea, deffienetly not liking the trend here.

"What is it..?" I asked cautiously, slowly sitting down on the loveseat opposite of them. My parents looked me over, then gave eachother the look. Yup, I knew it. I'm going to have to be the new girl again. Just as I'd gotten settled in, made new friends, gotten my grades back up. And now they were taking it all away again. Just like they've done three times now. What makes it even worse is that i'm an only child. I know, most kids my age would be dieing to not have brothers and sisters to look after and keep from running their snoty fingers all over the walls. But not me. I love kids. I've always wanted someone who could at least be a constant in my life. Of course, that would never happen though. I'm stuck moving, alone, again, with no one but my parents to keep me company. Funnnn.

My father cleared his throat, snaping me out of my thoughts and back into reality. "I know your mother and I have been busey with work lately, and we don't have much time to spend with you. We have tried really hard these past few years to give you a good life, but it just doesn't seem to be enough." I looked at them, confused. Maybe I didn't know where this was going.

"What your father's trying to say is, we know you get lonely being alone all the time. We wish we could spend more time with you, but we need the money right now." Ya, don't we always. "So we were thinking, and we think it's time you get someone you can hang around with at the house." I looked at my parents, confused.

"You mean like, a maid? Or a babysitter?"

"No, no. Nothing like that." She looked at dad, and they smiled and squeezed eachothers hand. "Rebecca, how would you feel about having a sister?"

Oh. My. Gosh. Were they serious?? This is everything I've been dreaming about! "YES YES YES!" I squeeled, jumping up off of the couch. "I would love it! I would do anything for a little sister! I can't belive you guys are finally having a baby!" I ran up and squeezed them both.

"Woah woah woah," my father looked at me, laughing. "Your mother isn't pregnant."

"Honey, we were thinking about adoption." My mother smiled one of her legendary smiles that just lights up the room. Even if I didn't want a sister, I could never say no to that smile.

"Even the better!" I cried. "That means I get to see her sooner. So, when is she coming?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2011 ⏰

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