"What the bloody hell was that?" My dad asked, rushing over to us. He followed our gaze. "Emma." He whispered. Henry squinted as my father took out his lens and observed the island.

"Is that-"

"A black hole." A familiar voice spoke. We turned around to see my mom, Tinkerbell, and Regina standing in the ship's middle.

"Mom!" Henry and I exclaimed simultaneously, running over. I threw my arms around my mom as Henry did the same to Regina.

"Did you guys destroy Pandora's box?" Henry asked, slipping his hands off Regina. She nodded yes.

"But in doing so, we created that," Regina explained, gesturing towards the island where the black hole was getting bigger. She looked at Tinkerbell and said. "And if we don't leave soon, we'll be pulled into it." Tinkerbell took the hint, then began searching through her bag for the pouch of pixie dust that had just enough to get us back home. Tink's eyes narrowed, and she opened her bag wider, digging her hand deeper into it. "Now, what's wrong?' Regina questioned in a sarcastic tone. Her eyes glanced up at Regina before focusing on searching her bag. "Come on, Fairy! We don't have all day." Regina yelled, getting irritated.

"Regina!" My mom scolded, then turned to Tinkerbell, kneeling before her. "Tink, what's wrong?"

"The pixie dust." She whispered. "It's gone." She sighed, shaking her head. "It must have fallen out when Pan trapped me in Pandora's box." Her eyes flickered up to my mom. "I'm sorry. I can't get us off Neverland."

"Without pixie dust, there's no way out of here," Henry spoke. "We're trapped just like Pan wanted." There was silence for a few seconds.

"No. There's another way to get out of Neverland." Regina spoke, a smirk appearing on her face. My mom looked up at her, then raised her eyebrows questioningly. Regina's eyes flickered over to me. "Kallie." Everyone turned and looked at me. "Pan fell into a portal that she's created." Regina continued. "If she creates another portal, we can get back to Storybrooke."

"Regina." My mom sighed, shaking her head.

"Calm down, Emma." Regina snapped. "I'm asking her to create a portal, not cast a dark curse." My mom stared at her for a moment, knowing Regina was right. I was our only chance to get off Neverland. "What do you say, Kallie?' Regina asked, looking over at me with everyone else.

"I- I don't know how," I admitted. Yes, I did send Pan through a portal, but I had no idea how I did it. "I'm sorry." I apologized. At that moment, there was another huge rumble, shaking the floorboards on the Jolly Roger. Our heads turned toward the island as the black hole got bigger and expanded onto the beach. Our eyes were locked on the scene in front of us. My heart pounded inside my chest.

"Kallie, look at me," Regina said as I turned my head to her again. She put her hands on my shoulder. "You can do this. Okay, I believe in you."

"We believe in you." My dad spoke as I glanced over at my parents. My eyes flickered down, and I let out a deep sigh. I looked back at Regina and nodded. There was another rumble, and the black hole expanded into the ocean, getting closer to the Jolly Roger.

"Regina, if Kallie's gonna create a portal, she has to do it now." My mom said, seeing that we didn't have much time left. Regina and I looked at each other, our eyes locked.

"Okay, Kallie." Regina coached me. "Find that feeling you had in Skull Rock when you opened that portal. Use it to focus on opening another portal and trust yourself."

I knew I had to believe in myself for this to work.

You can do this. I thought to myself. You can get your family off Neverland.

With that in mind, I walked over to the edge of the Jolly Roger. I took a deep breath and placed my hands over the railing above the ocean. Every sound became muffled as I focused my mind on what I felt in Skull Rock. The feeling I had watching Pan rip and crush Henry's heart. The heartbreak, the anger. The fear of losing him. But above all that was the feeling of love. The love I felt for my brother, my parents, and Regina. Love was light. Love was happiness. Love saved Henry in Skull Rock, and now love was going to get us home.

My parents' true love gave me magic, and my magic was controlled by love.

My palms felt warm as I turned my thoughts onto Storybooke. Our home. Our safe haven. It was the place I've always called home. I couldn't wait to get back there, but now everything's changed. Our lives would never go back to the way it was before. Being in Neverland changed us. It literally changed me.

"Hold onto something!" I faintly heard my dad shout as the wind picked up. I felt salt water on my face and felt the Jolly Roger move beneath my feet. I knew something was happening, but I didn't open my eyes. I stayed focused until that warm feeling on my palms went away.

As soon as it did, I opened my eyes. A water tornado was surround us as the Jolly Roger stunk deeper down. I peered over the edge and saw that same yellow light inside the portal as in Skull Road. I smiled to myself as we got closer and closer to it. Just as the Jolly Roger slipped into the portal, I looked up, seeing nothing, but pitch black darkness.

Neverland had vanished out of existence.

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