Dean and Lavender barreled through the entrance. Cassandra stepped back and turned towards the pair. A rush of anger flew through Harry as he watched Dean and Lavender approach. But he quickly suppressed it after realizing he was being a tad ridiculous. After their arrival, the room quickly began to fill with DA members.

Once everyone was seated across the cushions, Harry stood and addressed the group, "Um hello, I thought since everyone's doing so well I could start teaching you lot how to cast the Patronus Charm."

"You can produce a Patronus?" Dean interrupted with curiosity. Harry saw every face in the room look at him questionably.

"Yes, I've seen it," Hermione answered when Harry stayed quiet, "And he used it to fight off over a hundred dementors at once in third year." Their questioning looks turned to amazement and Harry shifted uncomfortably where he stood.

Everyone was completely silent and focused when Harry explained and demonstrated the charm. After a few minutes he sent everyone off on their own to practice. Harry walked around the room in attempt to help, but no one was having much luck. After another ten minutes, Harry noticed a few wisps of white smoke emerge from Hermione's wand and he congratulated her. After that everyone seemed to have renewed hope in their abilities.

Harry was helping Neville when he noticed Cass standing alone by the fireplace. Her eyes were watching the students, but her mind looked busy thinking about something else. Harry excused himself and walked to her.

"Hey," Harry said once he was close enough. Cass was obviously deep in thought because she jumped slightly when Harry spoke.

"Oh, hi Harry," she smiled softly, but Harry could tell her heart wasn't in it.

"Why are you over here?"

Cass looked at Harry then down towards the ground, "Oh it's nothing, I'm just being silly really." Harry could tell it wasn't nothing.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, but he didn't wait for an answer, "what's wrong?"

"It's just..." Cass began unsurely. Harry noticed she couldn't keep eye contact with him and he began questioning wether he should leave or not. Cass took a deep break and continued, "I can't produce a Patronus anymore... ever since my mom died." Cass's eyes began to fill with tears, but she quickly blinked them away and turned from Harry's gaze.

"I'm sorry I didn't know," Harry said softly. Without thinking, he reached for Cass's hand and held it between his, "I'm really sorry."

Suddenly Cass's demeanor began to change, as if she flipped a switch. She shook her head and pulled her hand away. She gave Harry a small smile and spoke, "No I'm just being ridiculous, I shouldn't be sulking over here. I didn't mean to bother you." And she walked away, leaving Harry before he could say she wasn't being ridiculous and she definitely wasn't bothering him. Harry was left alone at the fireplace wondering what he did wrong, picturing over and over the moment when she pulled her and from his.

Thirty minutes later, Harry concluded the meeting and people began to leave. Harry was following Hermione, Cass, and Ron out of the door when he heard his name. "Harry," piped Cho from behind him, "can we talk for a moment?"

Harry turned back to his friends and Ron said, "Don't worry about it mate, just meet us in the common room." Then the three left him alone in the Room of Requirement with Cho.

Slowly, Harry approached Cho. "How was your holiday?" Cho asked sweetly.

"Oh... um it was good, yours?"

"Good, mum and dad took me to the theater, it was nice."

"That's... good," Harry nodded. Whenever Cho was around he never knew how to act. And after their kiss, it seemed almost impossible to figure out how to hold a conversation.

"I don't know if you heard, but there's another Hogsmeade trip coming up on Valentine's Day."

"Oh, no I didn't."

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to with me?"

"Like just us?" Harry asked, then mentally slapped himself. Of course she meant just the two of us, you're such an idiot, Harry thought.

"Yeah..." Cho said nervously.

"Yeah lets go to Hogsmeade," Harry bursted out. He wasn't sure exactly why he say it, but there was no turning back now.

"Great," Cho smiled, "see you then," she said before walking out of the room. Harry was once again left speechless in the room of requirement, thinking about what the hell just happened.


The next day didn't go much better. Harry was sitting at breakfast when everything blew up. "Oh my god!" exclaimed Hermione.

"What, what's wrong?" Harry asked quickly. Hermione only responded by shoving the Daily Prophet in his face. Harry quickly read the front page and his draw dropped. The front page read, MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN, MINISTRY FEARS BLACK IS "RALLYING POINT" FOR OLD DEATH EATERS.

"Holy shit," Harry blurted out as he read the article. Ten Death Eaters had escaped including Bellatrix Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, and Augustus Rookwood. All former Death Eaters. Harry shook his head, Voldemort must have gotten the Dementors on his side. Dumbledore warned Fudge this would happen. Harry threw down the paper in defeat.

"What will it take for Fudge to start listening?" Ron questioned clearly annoyed.

"Nothing," Harry interjected, "not until it's too late."

"If only there was something we could do," Cass added.

Before anyone could add anything else Hermione jumped from her seat and shouted, "I need to go to the library, see you guys later!" She then grabbed her things and ran off out of sight. Harry, Ron, and Cass were left confused.

Ron then turned to Harry and asked, "so what did Cho want last night, you never told me." Harry wished Ron would have said anything else, anything but that. Cass looked over to Harry, clearly interested in what he was going to say. Harry could've strangled Ron, but he somehow restrained himself.

When Ron nudged him for an answer, Harry decided he should probably say something, "she um... she just asked me about the next Hogsmeade trip," Harry stammered.

"You mean the Hogsmeade trip on Valentine's Day," Ron smirked. Did Ron ever stop talking?

"Yes the one on Valentine's Day," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oi, my best friend has got himself a date," Ron shouted with pride. Several students turned their attention to Harry, but quickly lost interest and went back to their conversations.

Harry looked over at Cass for the first time and saw her looking at him with a small, forced smile. Harry turned his lips into a half grin before turning his attention back to Ron who was now forcefully patting his back. Harry spent the rest of breakfast consciously trying not to smother him.


ah omg HEY EVERYONE! I can't believe how fast this community is growing. I just want to say thank to everyone reading and I'm so happy you're coming on this journey with me.
Until next update...


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