late night snacks 3

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Wow updating again i see. anyway ya i forgot my Hulu log in so now i have more free time. Also I know Aone can mean blue but that didn't really fit the story line so i went with African origin meaning.


I want to add some more gender fluid, non-binary, gender non-conforming, also transgender and more same sex couples or even just homosexual characters besides the moms. I know representation in all media is important and when i look for it (as a non-binary pansexual) it is usually very sexualized (ew). so if you can leave some suggestions in the comments on how to put positive rep in my story i would be over the moon and give you the sun. :)

on to the story. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

~Third person pov~

"Where did you find such a cute girl Aone?" Futakuchi asked a sly smile on his face. Aone went a bit rigged at the question but then shook it off as he glared down at the smaller male beside him.

"That is rude Futakuchi, you don't know her very well to talk about her like that" The taller teen said in a respectful manner. Because of Aones looks he tried to be a very nice and respectful person most of the time.

Futakuchi gave Aone a almost disappointed look but, half expected that kind of response. "oh well" he said not pushing Aone any further on the matter knowing Aone could be truly terrible if he wanted. This thought brought Futakuchi back to memory he has of Aone.

Flash back time people :) ~

The team had decided to hang out for once all together. At first they were just talking eating and casually passing volleyball around till someone proposed to watch a movie. But not just any movie, a scary movie at that. The setting was prefect for it too, the sky was now dark and rain and light thunder filled the air on this night.

The movie wasn't to bad a few jump scares and demonic like screams but all around a decent scary movie. Even so the whole groups mood had become more jumpy. Any unknown sound made them jump.

Aone was sitting on the floor in casual cloths seemingly unfazed by the movies contents. He noticed the teams behavior and made quick little plan in his head and smiling to himself proud of what he came up with.

Everyone was getting comfortable again when all of the sudden Aone contorted his body in such a way to resemble on the monsters in the movie. Along with this he also let out a scream/yell type sound. By doing this very quickly and loudly he was able to scare everyone again. The feeling had gotten by doing this to them was very satisfying to say the least.

(This is based very loosely on a manga chapter lol)

end of flash back~

Futakuchi hummed happily at the memory of his teamate and friend. Even if Aone was mature acting for his age and quite, he was still a teenager who wanted to have fun with his friends and pull pranks on them. It seemed like people tended to forget that about him which made Futakuchi a bit upset, but his sour mood lifted once he noticed the restaurant and the thought of food made his stomach talk.

The group, being so large had already informed the restaurant and reserved and table so they could eat sooner. Appetizers and drinks soon arrived and some of the others started to talk with one another. It didn't take long for some one to mention relationships, which to some led to girls, that lead to a certain boy being asked about a specific girl, Satomi Hikari.

Aone Takanobu X readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora