Chapter One: Lessons

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Okay, fair warning before you begin this story. This story includes child prostitution, abuse, neglect, stealing, killing, cursing, assassination attempts, and child abandonment. So, you have been warned. This story isn't full of shits and giggles, it's a dark path that this story has taken. So read at your own risk. If you are eighteen or older, feel free to read this story. If you are younger, LEAVE RIGHT NOW.


They kicked him out when he was three, dumping him in this loud and scary place. Then a woman found him and she was so very nice...something he knew nothing about. From there, the woman brought him to a house full of lots and lots of naked people doing weird things to each other. And then she introduced him to Mother, the owner of this strange house.

And that's when everything changed.


Mother coached him first in the art of seduction, she even said he was a natural. Naruto learned he was attracted to men and women, so he learned how to seduce both. And Naruto had to admit himself, he could seduce anyone no matter what gender.

Naruto officially lost his virginity when he was four.


Then Mother taught him how to pickpocket, how to burglarize, how to bargain, and win. He got caught a lot and paid more often for it by being either raped or beaten. But he could smooth talk himself out of most situations by the third month of these lessons.

Naruto became a prostitute the next night.


Mother taught him other things, how to kill and get away with it, how to subdue a larger foe, how to see through people's lies, how to torture people, how to get the info you wanted. She taught him how to read and write, how to do math and science. She taught him the history of the Elemental Nations and basic self-defense. She taught him how to wield a knife, anatomy, and how to tell if there was poison in his tea or food. Mother continued to teach him until she finally asked what he wanted to do with his life. He said he wanted to become a shinobi.

She signed him up for the Shinobi Academy when he was eight, three years after he said he wanted to be a shinobi.


Naruto decided the Academy teachers and the students were all idiots. They preached about fairness and rules. As far as Naruto was concerned, there was no such thing. So not even thirty minutes into his first day did Naruto decided to go with deception. So he put on a mask of positivity, of fairness, of a prankster.

It was to be years that he would drop the mask anywhere except in the red light district.


Next stop, Team 7!



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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