1 - Blinding Lights - 1

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First chapter eeeeee

Uhhh so I mention Ex's mask in the story, and I'm assuming everyone would think it was a face mask, so I'm probably gonna insert a drawing to show you guys what I meant by mask.

Sorry its so short, I promise the others will be longer q-q

Theme: Fluff and a teeny bit of angst but it's almost nonexistent

Trigger Warnings: thoughts of being forgotten?

Word Count: 1061 (not counting top bit)


Everyone knew the color of the void was a blue-ish black that faded out into nothingness. But in one server, on one day, the endless abyss is colored a blinding swirl of red, green, and white. It fades into existence, reaching its peak at the magical time of 10:30am, before eventually fading away to the normal blandness of the void, thus marking the end of the holiday.

This was programmed into the code of Hermitcraft by the second admin of the server to help his brother keep track of time and to let him know when he'll be there. You see, every year at exactly 10:30, the twins always do something special. When they were younger, the twins would escape the bustling life in the end city and go to a nearby chorus fruit forest. There, they would collect the ripe fruits, pick the flowers, and just mess around until it started to snow, a rare occurrence in the End despite it's freezing temperature. They'd head back home and warm up with their father, drinking hot chocolate underneath a pile of blankets and being careful not to spill. When they moved with their lives and into adulthood, Xisuma would always take time off to visit his brother, or vice versa. Even once Xisuma had to ban his brother, he still made time to go and spend some of Christmas with him.

Evil X sat in the void as the colors reached their max brightness. He waited for his brother to drop down from a tear in the void like he usually does, but nothing happened. The lights started to fade and Evil X frowned.

Had X forgotten? He occasionally does derp, but usually not about something this important to him. What if he wasn't important? What if Xisuma just visited him to not feel guilty?

Ex's mind filled with multiple scenarios, none of which were good. He didn't know he had been crying until a tear landed on his hand. His shoulders shook with every sob that racked his body, as his mind was filled with darkness. He squeezed his eyes closed, fighting to stop the tears. He failed, and as his consciousness slipped from him the last thing he saw was purple magic enveloping him.

He woke up in an unfamiliar room, the walls grey, white, and yellow. He sat up in the bed he was in, running his hand through the tangled mess that was his hair. Where was he? How'd he get there? Was anyone else here? Was he still in the void?

Before he could find the answers to any of his questions, a man in bee themed armor walked him. He spotted Evil X and took off his helmet, revealing himself to be his brother. Ex relaxed a bit, relieved that it wasn't a complete stranger that had found him. Xisuma sat at the edge of the bed, smiling gently at his twin.

"Where am I?" Ex asked, his voice rough from disuse.

Xisuma shook his head. "Don't worry about it right now." he said softly, before leaving a small bundle of winter clothes on the bed and walking out of the room.

"Way to be cryptic." Ex mumbled to himself, glancing cautiously at the clothing.

Not five minutes later, Ex walked out of the room wearing a soft dark red hoodie, grey jeans, black combat boots, black gloves, a grey scarf, and his normal mask. He had stored his armor in a black shulker box he found, and he put that in the back of his inventory just in case he needed it. He stood there, not knowing where else to go.

There was a hallway leading to a set of stairs on one side and more rooms on the other. He sighed, deciding to take the chance of walking down the stairs and meeting some sort of monster or whatever else could be here other than his brother. He walked down cautiously, spotting his brother wearing a similar getup to his but in different colors. Xisuma left his hood down, his fluffy brown hair on full display, while Ex had his hood over his head, his reddish-white hair barely showing.

Xisuma handed Evil X a strange item, resembling a pair of bug's wings. An elytra, Ex remembered, one of the more rare items you can find on an End raid.

"Put that on." Xisuma said, equipping his own elytra.

"Where are we going?" Evil X asked, putting on the fabric wings.

Xisuma let out a breathy chuckle, pulling his brother into a hug out of nowhere. The first hug Ex had gotten in a while.

"Don't be so paranoid." Xisuma said, a smile in his voice as Evil X hugged back.

The two brothers pulled apart from the embrace. Xisuma grabbed Ex's arm, leading him up another set of stairs that lead to his storage room. Ex gaped at the sight outside the room. The jungle was coated with a fresh layer of snow, and it still flurried from the clouds, creating a shimmery effect in the air.

Before Ex could say anything, Xisuma handed his brother a stack of rockets, whipping out some of his own and taking off. He turned and hovered in the air, waiting for his brother to catch up. Ex grinned and shook his head, pulling a string on a rocket and joining his brother a bit, though he did stumble a bit. Xisuma laughed good naturedly as he triggered another rocket, his brother following in suit.

"Can you please tell me where you're taking me?!" Ex yelled over the wind, spamming a few more rockets to catch up with his brother.

"We're going to Grian's house, err, mansion's more like it." Xisuma chuckled "He's throwing a holiday party, and I asked if I could bring you along."

Ex hummed in response, accepting his brother's answer. Grian had lived in the same city as they had when they were children, and they had been close friends.

The two brother's traveled the rest of the way in silence, taking the time to admire the forest and cherish the time they had together after so long. Ex sighed. He had missed this so much.

(hi sorry editor's note or whatever, but does Ex have pink hair?! Is that what reddish-white means, because if so I love that sm :D)

(i guess yeah, but its super duper light)

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