Chapter 3: The Party

Start from the beginning

"And I'm sorry about my sister. She can be a little judgmental sometimes."

"Can't we all?" I hide my embarrassment. "Thanks for letting me come, Ozzie."

"Of course."

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my back pocket. It's Pam.

I can't come pick you up. Business is starting to boom. Can someone else pick you up? Sorry Mi.

"Can you drive me to my apartment?" I sheepishly ask Ozzie. "My sister-in-law can't come get me. Sorry."

"Yeah, no problem. Do you mind staying here for another hour or so to help clean up? I won't hear the end of it from Camilla if we don't."

"That's fine." I nod. I follow him over to a table and start cleaning up.

"Oswald," Camilla groans, nudging her brother. "Your ex is calling you over and over. Come tell her to quit. It's getting annoying."

"Umm, sure. Mirai, I'll be right back." Ozzie walks off with his sister, leaving me alone.

My phone buzzes again.

On second thought Mi I can come get you. I'm gonna close up early. Need me to come?

No, I type back. Someone else can drive me home. Thanks though

Is it that guy?

Yeah, I reply.


I smile a little. There's nothing going on I swear

Suure, Mi

Whatever. I have to go Pam

Is that guy single? What's his name?

Ozzie. And yeah he's single. I guess.

Make a move Mirai I repeat MAKE A MOVE

I'm going to stop texting you now. I shove my phone in my pocket and continue cleaning.

Half an hour later, I'm in Ozzie's truck, driving to my apartment.

"Again, thank you for driving me home," I say quietly.

"It's not a problem, Mirai. If Asia needs a babysitter, can I trust you to do a good job?"

Me? Baby-sit? "Yeah," I reply automatically. "Asia is so sweet."

"Great. It gets boring, being there alone with her on Fridays. Camilla goes out on a date night with her husband and I take care of Asia. I need someone who can help me with her. I'm not good with Barbies and dress-up."

He means baby-sit Asia with him, I realize. "That'll be fun," I say, smiling.

"Awesome!" Ozzie pulls into my apartment complex. "Can I get your number?"

"Of course," I blurt. I get out my phone and he gets out his. We swap, enter each other's numbers, and swap back.

"Don't be alarmed if I come in Yum-Yum Cakes, demanding you to help me watch Asia. She's a handful." He smiles.

I nod, trying not to blush. "Can't wait. See you around, I guess."

"Probably at your cake shop. Those things are like drugs - so good, but so bad," Ozzie laughs. "Bye, Mirai."

"Bye, Ozzie," I say, getting out of his truck. I wave before going into my apartment.

I call Haimi on FaceTime. She's eating vegetable curry with her boyfriend, who is home from work.

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