"Your kidding. He doesn't remember him, being a superstar." We walk towards Harry who is leaning against the wall. As we walk towards the exit to leave the hospital, when he suddenly stops me.

"Oh. There's loads of people out there. With camera's flashing in my face. Also, they keep screaming."

"Yeah." Dom mutters quietly. I elbow him in his side and he glares at me.

"Yeah. Um. It's kind of because of your job."

"My job?" His eyebrows pulls into a frown.

"Yeah. You're a singer. Your kind of a big thing the music industry."

"But, how do we get out? I tried leaving a second ago, and well, they wouldn't let me get past. Also, you're pregnant. You may get hurt."

"You tried leaving. What?" I frown. "Without us?"

He looks down and back at Dom then he just stands there with his hands in his black jeans pocket. "Uh, was I suppose to wait? Sorry." He says.

I turn to Dom. "You didn't tell him. He can't be left alone." I say.

"Sorry. I thought me saying, I'm going back to get Kat. Would mean he would wait. It's common sense."

"Hey." A doctor came over. "You can leave through the exit door." I nod appreciating him for doing this.

*An hour later.*

We are not back at Harry's house. He was sat watching the telly and we stood next to the front door.

"I really think you should stay." Dom tries persuading me.

"No." I shake my head. "Niall, said I could stay with him and Em, tonight."

"And what?, is that more important than trying to get Harry to remember us."

"I'll phone his mum. She can come and look after him. I can't do this. I thought I could. But, look at him, Dom." I point to Harry. "He has no memory of us."

"You don't have to keep reminding me."

"I'll phone his mum."

"And, what? Hurt her more than she already is. You're forgetting he doesn't remember any of us. You seen how his mum was."

"So, what your saying is. That we're okay in being hurt. You know, how much it hurts, to see the man you love to go through this. Looking very confused, he just asked if he could watch his own tv. I love him so much, and he doesn't feel the same."

"You know what I meant. And this is why you need to be herr, show him pictures, talk to him." He says. "We need to get him to remember us."

I pond on in thought. "You're right."

"You know I am." He smiles at me. "Right. Well, I'm going."

"No." I grab his arm. "Stay. Please. I need you here."

"You have to do this alone. You can. You're one of the strongest people I know."

"I'm not strong. I just pretend to be. Pretending and actually being strong is two different things."

"I'm going. Now, go and sort it put with Harry. Okay? I'll be around tomorrow."

After Dom left, I'm just stood there for as long as I can remember. This isn't my place anymore.

Harry isn't mine anymore.

"Hi..." Harry drags stops and frowns. "How long have you been standing there? I know, the doctor prefers someone here with me, but I'll be okay on my own."

"Yea, you sure you will be alright? Here." I hand him my number. "Ring. If you need anything, anything at all."

"Okay." He smiles softly. "I'll be alright. Go, and spend time with the baby's dad. You're boyfriend. You don't need to be here with me."

I shake my head. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Oh! Sorry. One night stand?" He says shocked. "I don't know how guys can do that." He mutters.

"It wasn't one night night. It was with someone, who I loved very much." I hold my tears back.

"Oh. I'm sorr-" he starts to say but i hold my hand up to cut him off.

"Please. Stop apologising."

"I'm so-" he shakes his head making us both laugh a little. "I will stop. I promise."

"Okay. I'm gonna go." I take a step towards the door, I turn to look back at him.

"I'll be fine." He rolls his eyes playfully. "You have given me a take out leaflet for dinner." He holds it up. I nod, and open the door.

I close it behind me and lean against it. I release a really deep breath.

What did I do.

Why didn't I tell him. That he was the father.

INSTAGRAM! (H.S. & K.M.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora