best brother award

Start from the beginning

I know that i've hurt him, bad. So i understand if he doesn't event want to look at me, but at least he's trying to comfort me.

"Yeah– Something like that, i guess." I shrug, sitting back down on the sofa.

"You should talk to someone about it," Dean suggests, "Not me, though. I wouldn't be able to listen to you without.. Lashing out. Why don't you talk to your brother?"

Maybe he's right. Maybe i should just be the one to reach out to Draco. I shouldn't stay silent when i need help.

"Okay. Thanks, Dean," I force a smile, and he does so too.

I tell Draco to meet me in the courtyard, and that i desperately need comfort right now.

He instantly agrees.

I walk to our meeting spot, which ironically enough, is the same spot where Harry practically begged Draco to let him be friends with me.

I chuckle to myself at the thought.

But knowing how different things are right now,

Chuckles turn into tears.

I carry on walking, wiping the tears off my face.

"Draco!" I call out as i approach him.

He runs up to me as soon as he heard my voice, and pulls me in to a tight hug.

He knows.

I cry intensely on his shoulder, as he rubs my back and keeps whispering reassuring words.

He says that everything will be fine.

But not really,

I don't believe that.

"Okay.. Let's sit down," Draco softly says, taking my hand as we both sit on the grass.

"So, i notice that you aren't with Potter much anymore, why is that?"

"Remember when Cedric asked me to teach him how to dance?"


"So Harry caught us in a really bad moment, our faces were only inches apart. And now he thinks- He thinks i was–"

"Cheating on him?" Draco asks, cutting me off. And i simply nod.

Draco's body stiffens. He looks tense, his fists are clenched, the identic scowl on his face, he basically looks like he's ready to kill Harry.

"That little–"

"No! No, Draco! It's my fault–"

"How?" Draco suddenly shouts, "How is it your fault? If his tiny brain can't understand that you have nothing going on with Diggory, then that's on him!"

"I just– Can you talk to him?" I request, looking at Draco with pleading eyes.

He scoffs, "Oh i'll talk to him alright."

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