Ch. 3

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As Izuku and Fuyumi waited for their drinks they chatted a bit as Izuku slowly became more relaxed. "W-well, one time dad tried to cook breakfast for mom on her birthday, but he tried to do it using his fire breath and burned everything! Mom made him swear to never cook again after that!" Izuku said with a chuckle. "Oh my! That reminds me of how father tried to bake mother some cookies using his Hellfire just yesterday. Mother wouldn't stop giggling as he somehow made the cookies melt onto himself, and even got his own foot stuck in hardened cookie dough to his own arm, and his hand stuck to his cheek. Shoto laughed for almost an hour!" Fuyumi giggled out. "Father swore he would never step foot in the kitchen again and even glares at any cookie that is brought home! Shoto once brought home 5 different cookie dough flavors just to ask father to help him bake them....Father ran towards his gym citing that he was falling behind on his training even though he had just left the gym." Izuku and Fuyumi started laughing as without knowing they had at some point taken each other's hand across the table. "Fuyumi? Have your brothers ever tried to cook using their fire quirks?" Izuku asked with a slight tilt of his head. Fuyumi giggled with a nod. "Once. I took a picture to show mother and when father saw it he warned the boys it wouldn't work because he tried it in his youth. It apparently has a very bad aftertaste..." They laughed a little more before the waiter brought their drinks over. "Here you go, enjoy and have a nice day~" the waiter said as he walked away with a sinister grin on his face.

(A.N. - Something is about to happen to Izuku and Fuyumi! What will happen? Will anyone save them? Stay tuned and find out!)

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