Chapter #15

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Hazel's Pov. ...
Hearing Ivan confess his love for me like that just made my head spin and my heart jump up and down in pure feels utterly euphoric but surreal as well....

It was almost time for me to sleep because I had to go to my lawyer's office early in the morning....I said goodnight to every one and pecked Ivan's cheek before going upstairs. ...
Ivan peeped ..."Where are you going ?"
"I'm gonna go and sleep now ....see you tomorrow "
As i started to walk away ...he held my wrist and pulled me in for the tightest hug.....He then whispered in my ear.."can I come with you?"
Where I asked in confusion and pulled back ....
He answered " I just want to look at you today...please let me come with you...." he pouted as he said that and it made my heart melt...once more...
I said ok and we walked upstairs to my room....
After entering my room is went straight to my bed and pulled the blanket over ...then I realised that Ivan is looking at me while smiling. ..
I patted on the bed for him to come and lay with me on the bed .....
He layed with me and I rested my head on his chest ...I was listening to his heart beat...
He confessed that today was the best day of his life as he played with my hairs...
I was just smiling and listening to his heart beat which was the best lullaby I've heard in a long time. ....
I soon drifted to dreamland......

Ivan's Pov. ...
I saw that Hazel was already asleep .... i pecked her cheeks and forehead and stared at her for a while ....I was just looking at how beautiful she look even when she's asleep. ....
I pecked her lips one more time before I went to sleep....

   Author's Pov. ...
Hazel woke up early because she had some important work to do...
She woke up ,kissed Ivan's cheek ...because he was still sleeping. ..she slowly got out of her bed and changed into this⬇

Before leaving , she pecked his cheek one more time and left

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Before leaving , she pecked his cheek one more time and left.....

Ivan's Pov  ...
I woke up and realised that Hazel was not on the bed with me..then I remembered what she told me last night about her busy schedule for today....
I got out of the bed and went downstairs where everyone else were eating their cereals .... I said good morning to everyone ....I was about to go to my room to take a shower but then  Boggi said
"What's that on your cheek?"
Where I said as i touched my cheek...
Boggi:" it looks like she kissed you after applying her lipstick..."
Everyone laughed at me so I decided to finally take a look at my self in the mirror. I smiled as soon as i saw my face with her lipstick on my cheek ..
I said to myself "at least she didn't leave without kissing me".....

Hazel's Pov. ..
I was missing Ivan's face so i decided to call him ....
Me:Hey good morning. ...
Ivan:Hey good morning. are you ?did you eat something?
Me: I'm fine and .....God .....
You ask so many questions. ...
Ivan chuckled through the phone
Ivan:I miss you.... when are you coming back?
Me:I miss you too.....I'll come home as soon as I'm free ...OK. ......
Ivan: ok babe. ......ily see you soon...😙
Me:bye Ivan ....

I smiled as soon as i ended the call because it's the first time Ivan has called me babe ...and when he said that my stomach was about to explode. ......
I kept thinking of him throughout the day and and it was finally time for me to go home now...
I sat in my car and drove for about 10 minutes. ...I finally reached....
I walked inside the house and saw no one there ....
I wonder where they are .....I said to myself....
I then went straight upstairs to my room ...changed into something comfortable and layed down on my bed ......
I then decided to call and ask where they are....
They told me that they went for some grocerie shopping. ....
      After some time. ..
I was about to go to sleep but then I heard my door opening ..I turned around and saw Ivan. ..I quickly got up and hugged him as tight as i can ....
He then whispered into my ears .....
" ah I missed your smell so much"
He then sniffed deeply one more time before pulling back from the hug....
He then said" This is not gonna work. You are not getting enough rest because of your work....I'll come with you tommorow because I'm free..."
I kissed him on the cheek and went back into my bed , he was still  standing there and smiling at me...
"What " I said as i pulled the blanket over myself...he said "nothing "....
He sat on the corner of my bed and ran his hands through my hairs. ....
I closed my eyes and was about to to go to sleep but then he whispered "
Good night baby...sleep tight....ily"
He said that and I can feel him pecking my cheek.....
He sat there until I fell asleep and then he left.......

The day we metDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora