telling them your pregnant

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logang for life🙄☠️😤🤟🏽

-you guys were 25
-not that young but not that old
-you guys already suspected it
-so you guys just bought a pregnancy test
-"is the time almost over? should i flip it over?"
-"no y/n relax come here"
-he sat you on his lap and made sure that everything was going to be okay even if that test was positive or not.
-when it did come out positive you guys were stoked.
-seriously you have never seen finn smile that much in a day and finn is a very smiley person!!

-you guys were 17
- your period was really late and you and richie had been very active lately
-you called beverly and asked if she could come with you to buy a pregnancy test
- her being the loyal friend she is came with you to go get it
-after taking the test in bevs bathroom and finding out the results you waited a couple days to tell richie
-when you did he had mixed emotions
-he was happy but scared
-he didnt know if he was going to be a good father
-because he never really got a father son experience
-his parents are assholes fr.
-you definetly reassured him that you guys can get through it together.
-he also let you know that its your choice if you would like to have the baby or not.
-you guys BOTH decided you two werent ready and got an abortion the next day.

-you guys were 29
-you had noticed you were gaining a lot of weight but  the bump on your stomach looked too round to be fat
-so you suspected the obvious and got a pregancy test
-once you found out you immediately started planning on how to tell tyler
-you made him play charades lol
-when he figured out that the word was "baby" he still didnt get it
-"i dont get it"
-you formed a little motion over your stomach and his eyes widened and his mouth spread into a wide smile
-he was so happy
-and so were you
-ur baby ended up cute lmaooo

-you guys were 19
-you started getting symptoms of pregnancy
-you didnt tell boris at first but he actually ended up walking in on you taking the test
-"holy shit, is that real"
-"are you..."
-" i dont know yet"
-when the test came out positive he was like richie
-he was scared. his dad had only hit him his whole life and he was scared he would become the same twoards his children
-but you both decided to stay strong and get through it together

-you guys were 20
- you had been throwing up a lot in the morning
-miles suggested you get a pregnancy test
-but you refused becsuse you were scared of pregnancy
-you eventually gave in and took the test
-when it came out positive you almost fainted
-"miles im scared"
-"and thats okay. hey you dont need to go through this if you dont to. there are other options."
- you guys sadly got an abortion
- you just werent ready

-you guys were 23
-he noticed you had been acting weird lately
-he decided to confront you about it and sit down with you to talk about what was going on
-"hey y/n is everything okay? you seem a li-"
-"im pregnant"
-you just blurtted it out lmao
-his eyes went w i d e
-he was obviously happy
-he thought you guys were a little too young but that didnt matter because he was about to be a father!!
-hell yeah
-cute kid

-you guys were 15...
-you actually went to robin and steve for help
-they made you tell mike because it was the right thing to do
-mike didnt know what do to
-"are you gonna keep it?"
-"no... maybe.. i dont know"
-you guys told your parents
-you got an abortion
-and now your parents wont let you guys be alone together
- :(

-you guys were 19
-he found the box in the trash
-he could smell your scent on the box so he knew it was yours
-"y/n what is this?"
-"where did you get that?"
-"are you carrying my child yes or no?"
-"y/n im not messing around"
-he was being very aggressive in which he never is with you
-"yes, i am"
-"why didnt you tell me?"
-"i was scared"
-he pulled you into a hug and let you know that you dont have to be afraid of anything when your with him because he will always protect you no matter what.

idk why i started crying while writing this.
its just crazy to think one day finn is gonna get married and have kids...
him turning 18 today is already too intense for me lmao

anyways happy holidays!

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