Chapter 11: A Shine To It

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A knock on the door stirred Ash from his worried thoughts, in the back of his head still wondering if this was really a good idea. As soon as he opened the door and saw Gary's face he knew that it was for the best.

Gary was tanner, a little more toned and his hair just slightly longer than it had been when he last saw him. "Hi," Ash said softly, opening the door all the way and stared up at him with watery eyes. "I missed you," he breathed, turning away from Gary.

"Hey, hey, there's no need to cry," Gary soothed him, slowly stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "I missed you too, Ash." he said, wrapping his arms around him lovingly. "I thought I wouldn't get to see you again." It was the truth, he didn't know whether Ash would agree to talk to him again or not and it hurt more than he could possibly say in words.

"I love you," Gary spoke, making sure he leaned back so he could stare into Ash's eyes, tears trickling out slowly and he brushed them away gently with his fingertips.

"I believe you," Ash mumbled, a small smile appearing on his face as Gary ran his hands along his back. "You're thinner," he growled, lifting up Ash's shirt. "Have you even been eating?" All he saw was bones, he could probably play a lovely tune along the ribs that were jutting out. This wasn't the boy he was used to seeing. It hurt, it hurt worse because he knew he was the cause of all of it.

"I- uh – a little bit," Ash whispered weakly as he got pulled into the kitchen by Gary, who was kind enough to pick him up and sit him down on the counter. "Fuck, you should be taking care of yourself better," was all Gary said before rummaging in the fridge for something to make him, he just wanted to take care of him and never let him go again.

Ash watched as he pulled out food and started preparing him something, it was different seeing Gary like this. Not here five minutes and already bossing him around and nagging him like a mother, it almost made him laugh out loud. "I can cook my own food." Ash snapped, not about to appear weak in front of Gary.

He was ignored, only a scoff offered under Gary's breath while he continued to cook and when he was finally finished he walked out of the kitchen and brought the food out to the coffee table in front of the couch and went back to retrieve Ash, scooping him up with a silly grin and sat him on the couch.

"Eat," Gary growled, the seriousness in his voice wasn't something Ash could ignore in he slightest. Ash ate all the food and grinned up cutely at Gary, scooting closer to him.

"Let's watch some American Horror Story and cuddle, okay?" Ash was already turning on the xbox to connect to Netflix, prepared to marathon it all day long. Gary shut the lights off and pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch to drape it over them.

"When was the last time we kissed?" Ash quietly asked, nestling back against Gary's chest. "I don't remember," was the response he was given in return. It caused him to hum under his breath and sigh a little. "It's been a long time."

That was as much of a 'kiss me' Gary thought he was going to get so he titled Ash's face up towards his own and slowly pressed their lips together. Ash quickly switched positions and crawled on Gary's lap, hands finding their way into each others hair.

This was the best end game scenario Ash could have thought up, cuddled on a comfortable couch with the person he was emotionally attached to. Some would say that being emotionally attached to someone or something, even, wasn't the best way to live.

Ash however, wholeheartedly disagreed as firm hands slowly removed his clothes. The bonds of having someone that mattered to you, someone you can completely share your entire self with was an exhilarating thing that sent shivers running down his spine.

He wanted to tell Gary he loved him, instead of constantly saying I believe you. He didn't want to do it while they were his close, bodies pressed together completely. Oh, but how he wanted to shout it out as Gary's hands slowly ran along his naked body, fingertips gently running along his hip bones.

Ash felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders the moment Gary had slipped inside him, a breathlessness they both shared. Completely and truly, as if they were feeling each other for the first time. It was a life altering experience, it wasn't the shady bangs they took part in all those months ago – it was just love.

It felt so good.

Ash let out soft whimpers as the pace increased, hands touching every place possible on each other. Lips never parting for anything but breath. This was how it should have been from the beginning, completely and utterly satisfying.

When they finished Ash shakily got off of Gary, putting his clothes on with ragged breath, cheeks flushed from all the activity. When he got his boxers on he spared a look at Gary who was so breathtaking he couldn't ever forget the sheer beauty of him.

They curled back up on the couch and whispered softly while keeping arms around each other and eyes on the screen. His mother walked in shortly after, arms full of bags and she smiled so sweetly at the both of them, eyes full of pride.

"I'm glad you both worked everything out," she meant it too, they both knew that. "Welcome to the family, Gary." was the last thing she said before heading into the kitchen to put the food away. "I love you," Ash finally said, eyes peeking up at Gary expecting a response.

"I believe you," Gary mocked, a pretty smile on his face. "I love you too, idiot. I always have."


OK, so that's the end of story that I got offline. I do plan on writing onto it because like I said, I don't think it should have ended. I plan on having it to where they have a HUGE amount of land and the let I'll of their Pokémon be free (it's going to be fenced in duh) and all this stuff. But I don't want to spoil it.

Bye :*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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Ashyboy, I love you (AshxGary and palletshipping) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now