I got a pillow and threw it outside and watch as it landed on the ground. I stood in the edge of the window, I looked down at the pillow then back at the room. I dropped the wand and watch it as it landed besides the pillow. Now it was my turn I took a deep breath and jumped out, I landed on the pillow, I quickly grabbed the wand I ran into a forest, I ran as far as I could. I noticed I had been running for quite a while. "Lumos" the flashing light helped me see my surroundings better.

I was surrounded by trees, plants, and bushes. I could feel the fresh cold air gently meet my skin. I experienced an epiphany that I was alive. The sound of nature was like music to my ears I could hear the wind talking to me, some will say I am deluded but I'm not. It was a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, void of distractions, and trouble. I always found so much comfort in nature specially the sky at night, some wouldn't dare to set foot on a forest at night when the only light is the one in the stars and moon, but those lights are enough for me, I've become so fond of them growing up. I don't feel alone when I'm near nature.

I was snapped out of my peacefulness when I remembered I had to get farther away from Malfoy Manor. I Aparate to shell cottage, the Weasleys were staying there since the Burrow had been burned down and they were still rebuilding it. "Mrs.Weasley" I gasped my eyes watering up. "Rose, my dear you're okay" she pulled me into a hug, Mrs.Weasleys hug were warm and comfortable they felt like home, all the weight built up in your heart and mind disappear for a minute. "Wheres Ron, Harry, and Hermione?" she asked making a worried face, I explained the whole story to her. "Oh my dear, I can't believe they made you guys go through that, and you staying there with all those people alone a-and being t-torture oh no. I'm sure Harry, Ron, and Hermione are okay, you all are so brave and strong." Mrs.Weasley pulled me into another hug "Oh Rose, happy late birthday, you've grown so much from when I first saw you, watching you grow all this years is amazing and I can't wait to see you grow even more my dear Rose, Your parents will be so happy if they knew their little girl has grown into a smart, brave, outstanding, beautiful young woman. I love you and you will always be family".

I felt tears running down my cheeks, "Thank you Mrs.Weasley, for everything you've taken so much care of since we met, you will always be my family too I truly love you Mrs.Weasley" Mrs.Weasley is like a mother to me she's been there for me since we met.

Bellatrix POV

I've went in my room once I've gotten back from a business I had to deal with and I paused as I closed my door noticing my window was open, my bed was missing a pillow, and Rose wasn't there. "Oh nooooo Rose, no you din't" I was shaking knowing Voldemort won't hesitate to kill me, I ran out my door looking for Cissy "NARCISSA THE GIRL SHE'S GONE" I ran to Narcissa screaming "What do you mean Bella?" "she's gone, she escaped, I've got to find that mud-blood, don't tell Voldemort anything. I'm going to find her." "Be-" without warning I Aparate to the Burow. I searched around that area but she wasn't there nor where the Weasleys. I Aparate back to my room. I then realized how worried I was. why was I worried?.I paced back and forth trying to think, I looked around my room looking for any clue. I was gonna use the tracking spell but Rose had no magical instrument with her.

*skip time 3 weeks*

I was a mess, my hair was messier than ever, there were papers all over my bed of places she could be. I've checked everyone of them and Voldemort only gave me 4 weeks to find her. I paced around my room for the 300th time this week trying to think I then accidentally kicked a box I was barefoot and it hurt so much "ouch" I then decide to open the box. "What is thi- oh I remember now" I talked to myself. I opened the pages of the notebook, I put it down and look at all the rings, crown, notebooks and more things I felt like there was something missing though. I then noticed a red strand of hair "this bitch" I quickly stood up as I remember what was in this box. "My wand" I gasped. I quickly ran to the bathroom, I showered, and got ready, I wore a black long sleeve dress that reached my mid tights with black pantyhose under and a corset, I added some red lipstick and my heel boots. "You don't know who you messed with" I grabbed my wand and ran down the stairs to where she landed when she threw herself out my window. "Appare Vestigium" I could see the footprints that led into the forest, I fasten my pace a bit more because it felt endless. The footsteps came to an end It Aparate me too a beach "what" I whispered. I then turned around and noticed there was a cottage behind me. I checked by the windows if there was anyone inside before going in. I looked around the cottage but no one was there. I went to the kitchen when I saw a crumble parchment paper sitting on the table.

Arthur I will be taking the twins, Ginny, and Rose to Hogwarts. I told Rose she shouldn't go because of the Death Eater problem, and I told her there was a probability that they were looking for her but she insisted she had to go because according to her "There's no time to waste, and I can't stand sitting here knowing I could be doing something" she's so brave. Ginny and the Twins din't seem as excited as they use to be every other year, I wanted to keep the home but they also insisted.  They want to fight for whats right, and I can't stop them from th-

the note was cut off but I know where Rose is now.

Rose POV

As soon as I got to Hogwarts I told Ginny and the Twins I was going to be in my dorm because some death eaters might recognize me and I can't risk it. But if they had any new information to go there, because I only left my room at nights when we all went to the compartment room.

I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling, It had been three weeks since I had escaped Malfoy Manor, the horrible memories played through my head over and over. I might sound crazy but I kept thinking about Bellatrix, what if they torture her because they think she let me go? or worse they kill her. She's taken over my body and soul, part of me wants to go back to the Manor and check on her and the other part knows it's risking my own life. I grabbed Bellatrix wand, it was very pretty, I felt comfortable using it but I truly miss my wand, I put it under my pillow just incase someone comes in while I'm sleeping. I fell asleep so I din't had to think about all that's going on. I was awoken by a noice it sounded like something had fallen down, at first I though it was Luna since she was my roommate, she usually din't make any noice unless she was sleepwalking. I heard a giggle "shoot" I whispered. I know who it is, who doesn't know that giggle. I stayed frozen with my eyes close trying to control my breath. I could feel Bellatrix get closer to me her Vanilla scent was getting stronger and stronger. "Rose...Rose...dear Rose, she though she could get away, din't she" she whispered in my ear. I felt her hand on my back I tighten my hand under my pillow that had the wand I took from her. We suddenly Aparate to her room i fell on top of her "BELLATRIXXX" I screamed at her. She started laughing.

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