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"Uh That went well I think? Oh well at least they cared lol" I guess it's time to get ready and pack

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"Uh That went well I think? Oh well at least they cared lol" I guess it's time to get ready and pack....

I went downstairs to tell my parents sorry on the way I acted... They took it surprisingly because i was just mad lmao! I guess it's just teenager mood swings. I asked for some boxes to pack my stuff in and here we go on a long journey to packing.

"MAMA?!" y/n screamed





I thought I lost that stuffed turtle, Nick? I think that's his name gave me the turtle on the cruise. I loved that cruise dang. I wish I we went again sometime.... I had so much fun with him. UGH WHY NOW THAT I THINK OF HIM. Oh well I gotta go to bed since it's the last day of school and I'll say bye to everyone.

The next week:
Friday May 18th The last day of school

I got dressed, put on a white tee, with a crew neck, baggy jeans and my very creased forces. I got in the car while my dad drove me to school.

"Okay bye bye, see you later love you!"

"Bye love you too honey"

As I'm walking trying to find my friends because i'm lonely.

                      "Oi stupid bitch where are you?" "Calm down I'm coming damn chill out💀"
"where are you"
                                                        "i'm by the pole"
read 07:15

"What's up bitch", Michelle

"Hey", y/n

"Why are you so down? Dude cheer up it's the last day of school like damn. finally we can get outta this shit hole", Michelle

"Bruh it's the last day I'm here at this school- tf- Oh well this year has kinda been like shit", y/n

"Yeah I guess. Let's go to first period"

"okie dokie"

*first period starts*    *Second Period Passes, Third, Then fourth period*
*Lunch starts*

"Hey y/n where are we eating for lunch?", Susbeth

"Uh let's get some chik-fil-a I guess", y/n

*fifth period passes, sixth, and seventh*
*bell rings*

Fucking Finally holy shit. that was like the longest day ever. I meet up with my friends and we go to my house for the last sleep over we're gonna have together. Damn. I'm really gonna miss these dumb ass bitches.

"Okay so, before you leave all of us got you a surprise", Sun says in happiness.

"Y'all i swear to god if it's a spider we're no longer best friends"

"We didn't we didn't calm the fuck down", Michelle

"Okay close your eyes", they all said in excitement

"Okay close your eyes", they all said in excitement

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"Y'all what the fuck is this?"

"they're friend ship bracelets and necklaces :)" they all said

"Awww" as i said in tears of joy

"I'm really going to miss all of you"

"We're gonna miss you too" as they said crying.

Not long after that we fell asleep because non of us could keep our eyes open from crying. I leave in 5 days. Wow I'm gonna miss you Hawaii.


hi um so i have no idea where this is going or how it's gonna work💀 but uh yeah have a nice day!

-Ley 💞

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