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She came back to Beacon Hills. The last time she was here was in 4th grade, things were different then. Her parents were alive. Friends were alive. It was better. Now she is fearless and is ready for things to come.



"Theo! Theo! Come back" I said as I was laughing, and chasing my best friend. "You can't catch me Y/N!" Theo said as he spoke. After 20 whole minutes, I finally caught Theo... my only friend. We eventually came to stop once they saw Theo's sister, Tara, dead in a river. He cried, and I helped him go through this hard time.


Theo told me that he needed to go away for a few years with his family. He said him and his family needed to cope over the lost of Tara Raeken. I cried and cried, but eventually accepted the fact that I officially had no friends. One night I was in my bed and I heard my mother and dad scream. I ran downstairs only to be met with red glowing eyes. I hurried and grabbed a bat and beat the thing to death, when I finally turned the light on my parents were there... dead. I tried to get in contact with Theo but nothing worked. I felt this unusual feeling I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I could barely see but I saw between the tears red glowing eyes, I pushed it away thinking it was my imagination. But oh... was I so wrong.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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