Chapter 1- The Queen is Unwell

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I made sure to keep my head down as I walked and pulled the cloak tighter around my body. It kept my identity hidden from everyone and covered my stomach. For my safety, I carried my bow and arrow in my hands, hidden. I had to keep them with me in case some did notice me. That way I could protect myself and my child.

But I wasn't likely to be noticed. If I wore them on my back, everyone would know who I was. They couldn't know because I wasn't supposed to leave the castle. Caspian would be very upset with me since I left in my condition. I hardly ever disregarded his orders.

Trumpkin and Glenstorm were the only ones I could really trust in this case. I'm a phoenix and I can't be trapped in the castle. It wasn't right and I needed my freedom. They helped me get out and sneak back in. Caspian had kept them close to the castle because he knew they meant a lot to me. Just like Reepicheep was.

He never noticed I was gone because I normally stayed in our bed chambers. I just had to be back before he checked on me. Caspian would always spend time with me around the same time everyday, sometimes a little early and sometimes a little late. No one ever really knew when he would come back. That was one of the reasons why I was headed back to the castle. I had to be there in plenty of time.

However, I was also heading back for another reason. Since it was fall the weather wasn't too cold or too hot. It was just cold enough for some people to wear cloaks. Some of them didn't feel the need. My cloak was making me very uncomfortable, which was unusual. Even if I wore the same cloak in the summer, I was never too hot. But now I was and I wasn't feeling the best.

My head ached and I felt slightly sick. I also felt light headed at times. This wasn't the best time for me to fall ill. It was very rare for me be ill at all. I just needed to get back to the castle. Once I was there, I could spend the rest of the time resting. That way I could get better before I even got really ill. It would help the baby too.

Normally I would obey Caspians wishes and listen to him. But staying in the castle wasn't one I could do. However I only left once a month, sometimes even less than that. I just had to have freedom once in a while besides wandering around the castle. Most of the time I would go to the library and read some of the books. It gave me comfort because I could imagine going back in time and being with the Pevensies.

As I walked to the castle, Glenstorm was standing guard at the entrance with a Telmarine. The Telmarine pointed his weapon at me and Glenstorm walked forward. He knew who I was but he couldn't let me walk through the front gate without showing my face. That would be the easy way in but both the Telmarine and Glenstorm were loyal to Caspian and would have to tell him that I had left. If he was by himself, Glenstorm would let me in but he rarely was. So Glenstorm came up with another option.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked me
"A good friend. I wish to see the King," I told him trying not to lie.
"The King isn't seeing anyone today," the Telmarine said.
"But he'll want to see me," I said.
"Sorry," Glenstorm said. "You'll have to come back another time."

I understood and turned away. As I headed back they way I came, I looked over my shoulder. Glenstorm had the Telmarine guard distracted and I quickly turned to the left. I would have to go into the castle through the servant entrance or meet up with Trumpkin. He would help me sneak past all the guards and I had to hope that Glenstorm had somehow managed to inform Trumpkin.

As I got closer to the servant entrance, I hadn't seen any sign of Trumpkin. Then I heard footsteps behind me that could only belong to a dwarf. I smiled, but was careful what to say. The footsteps could belong to any dwarf.

"Don't you know you should never sneak up on someone?" I questioned them.
"All the same, it was worth a try Your Majesty," I heard Trumpkin respond and I turned around.
"What have I told you about calling me that?"
"Sorry, Ana. I heard the His Majesty is on his way back to the castle. Come."

He lead me past all the guards. They all looked at us. Trumpkin just told them that I was a friend of the Queen's and that she had asked to see me. No one questioned it and we continued.

Once we were safely away from the prying eyes, I removed my hood and took off my cloak. I carried my bow and arrows in a way that the cloak covered them. If I saw any guards from now on, they wouldn't think anything of it. Trumpkin bid me farewell and went about his business. I didn't tell him that I wasn't feeling well because I didn't want anyone to worry over nothing.

I went to my bed chambers to put my cloak and bow and arrows away. Then I started walking around the castle. As I walked, I felt a kick. My hand moved to the place the baby had kicked. It was moving again. The baby could come any day now but I was told another week was the most likely.

Today was my last chance to go out because I was told to rest. It was a bit risky and I still took the chance even though I shouldn't have. I wouldn't take the chance anymore after today and I promised to tell Caspian what I had been doing.

I heard the guards announce that Caspian had returned and I smiled. He would be coming to me and I decided to greet him. Although he probably wouldn't be to happy at first. I could hear the him and the guards talking just a little further up the hall. His footsteps got closer and then he saw me. He paused in his steps for a moment then continued towards me.

"What are you doing? You should be resting," he told me just as he reached my side.
"Yeah. Well about that. Caspian, I need to tell you something," I said as he gave me a hug and a kiss.
"I've been- Ah" I was cut off by a sudden sharp pain and fell into Caspian.
"What's wrong?!"
"I don't know" I said standing up straight.

Then everything started spinning and I felt light headed once again. The floor started coming closer but I never hit it. A strong pair of arms caught me. They had to belong to Caspian but I didn't get the chance to see his face before I passed out.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐒𝐂 & 𝐋𝐁) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant