Sleeping Together(NOT smut)(minor update)

Start from the beginning

"Leave me alone Odd," the brunette groaned as he rolled over onto the side facing the wall. This did not stop Odd, who scooched closer, and started playing with his hair. He did not pull away or complain. Odd took that as an invitation to drag their partner's head onto their lap. He still didn't complain or do anything to stop him. The blond knew that he wouldn't, he may act like he doesn't like physical affection, but they knew that it was just an act. He was afraid of seeming weak, which is what he felt as he fought back the tears that had been building all day.

"It's ok, Ulrich, I'm here for you, what's wrong," they asked as they continued to play with his hair, which seemed to be calming him down. Just like Odd knew it would.

"My dad called," that was all he needed to say. Their relationship was strained at best, "because of my grades he thinks I'm a failure, and maybe I am," he whispered that last part, as he tried to fight the swelling of tears in his eyes. He hated showing his vulnerable side, even though he had other partners he never let anyone but Odd see it. They were the most socially apt and emotionally empathetic of all of his partners. Aelita being a close second, but he didn't feel comfortable talking to her about this stuff. Rooming with someone tends to make you, closer, more trusting. The blond guided Ulrich into a sitting position, holding him as they rubbed the brunet's back, while a few tears slipped from boy's eyes. Soon Odd began to talk, in a firm yet gentle voice.

"Ulrich, you are not a failure, sure your grades may not be the best, but that's just one thing! There are so many other ways that you're great, you can fight, and not just on Lyoko where you have superpowers! You're amazing at soccer! And even though you won't admit it or show it, you're kind and sweet and an amazing boyfriend too. Your not a failure, no matter what he says."

Ulrich pulled away, having stopped crying, he looked at Odd, a small smile crossed his lips, causing a big one to form on his partner's .

The taller boy looked away as he asked the other if he could stay with him for a bit longer.

"How about I do one better and sleep with you tonight?" they offered with a big smile, "I wanted to do this for a while," their voice regained its usual vigor.

"Wha-what! I don't think I'm ready for that!" with a red face, he sputtered his response. And Odd realized what they said.

"No wait! I didn't mean that! I was just wondering if you wanted to spend the night in my arms?" they explained.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that, but just for tonight, and don't tell anyone got it?"

"You have my word!" Odd announced before laying down, waiting for their boyfriend to lay down next to them. Soon the two were curled up, limbs tangled together.


The next morning


Ulrich woke up before Odd, and just stared at them, their messed up hair, their sharp cheekbones, and slightly open mouth that had a strained of drool dripping down the side of their face. He smiled, everything was perfect, yesterday's problem was in the past, now he just had this beautiful person in his arms. He wanted to stay like that forever, but his alarm clock went off. This did not wake up Odd, so Ulrich whispered in his ear the word that would always wake them up: "breakfast," they tried to sit up but was trapped in the tangle of limbs, so they looked at his boyfriend, both of them laughing, while the alarm continued to go off. Soon they untangled and started to get ready for the day.

"Hey Odd? Do you think that maybe we've can we do that like every night?" he asked awkwardly as they were about to leave the room.

"Of course babe!" Odd got really excited at the thought of sleeping in Ulrich's arms regularly."Can I tell our other partners?" They asked.

"Just don't make a big deal out of it, or tell them how I was last night," he spoke hesitantly.



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