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"Get off of your brother Adriana." I lifted her up and placed her on my lap, then pointed at the photographer as she tried to get their attention to make them smile.

"See?" I pointed to the lady, "Look at the cute lady!" She then made googly eyes at them and caused them to laugh hysterically.


"Okay that was the last one with you and the kids, are we going to shoot the final portraits with you and you're partner?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her question, and not even 5 seconds later my phone vibrated in my suit pocket. I took it out then reading the messages and grind my teeth together, Khyle is gonna be late again.

Khyle: I'm sorry I got held in traffic. You know how it be when it gets around to school pickups time. I'll be there in 2 seconds.

"...more like 2 hours..." I mumbled to myself and rolled my eyes.


"Oh my bad, he's on his way now, just coming up on the red light."

"Okay, until then I'll be in my office working on your photographs that I've done so far. Give me a shout if you need me."

I smiled. "Gotcha."

This is Khyle literally all the time now. Always late on everything we planned. Ever since he started working as a certified Clinical Pharmacist he's had hell to keep up with us. Mind you it's not always bad because he does his very best and tries hard to separate us from his career, I love and appreciate him for that.

But times like these, when it comes to our children and their special days, I feel like he shouldn't have an excuse for something as important as this.

"I'm here," he announced avoiding the look on my face and picking up our son Adrian. "Happy birthday dada's big boy," he bent down in front of my lap to meet Adriana's gaze. "Happy birthday dada's little princess."

She leaned forward into him and hugged his face. " you think I can get papa to give me a kiss?" He asked them while still completely avoiding my gaze on him. 

I blushed and folded my arms feeling the warmth of his words dispersing and sinking into my angry mood.

He turned to me meeting my gaze for the first time he's entered the room and smiled. " I'm sorry my sexy, smart and loving husband. I-"

"Save it." I tried my hardest to fight my smile. " I know what you're trying to do Khyle. It's their birthday, you said you were only going in half day today to give assistance to the new guy now it's 1:30pm. What happened with all of that?"

He sighed and stood up. " I know baby. He just had a hard time with a customer by giving her the wrong medication. I thought he was ready to be on his own today, but I thought wrong is all. My mistake. He needs more time, I should've told you earlier, I know that now and I apologize for that."

I reached out and rubbed his face, then kissed him. "You say I'm you're best friend right? That means we're a team babe. I just want you to keep me in the scoop of things and not in the dark. I love you, and I'm not mad."

He kissed me lovingly, making our tongue's dance together in sync. "I love you more. Now let's get these pictures over with so we can get to their party. Where's the photographer?"

Anger IssuesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora