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One Week Later

It was me Alix, Khyle, Sam and her new friend Jade, and also Monraux. We were at Wrightsville beach chilling around a small bonfire, just telling jokes and chillin. I think we've all needed this time to get away from our minds and inside as a whole. I know we still aren't supposed to be outside, but damn inside is too fucking boring man.

I mean I don't like people, but the fact that I can't go outside makes me want to go outside even when you're little and a parent tells you to do something that you already planned on doing, it discourages you from doing it anymore.

"So Khyle since you work in the hospital and all, when do you think this virus thing gonna be over?" Monraux asked Khyle, who was laying drunkenly between my legs.

"I don't work at a hospital, I work at a pharmacy, and I don't know man... your guess is as good as mine," Khyle replied." Also, it's only gonna be considered 'over' when there are only occasional traces of localized cases that are contained in specific locations. In other words, if you're sick your ass definitely needs to stay inside. One sneeze and your whole household are infected. Can't wait till we can all be free and hoe-ish again."

"-and you askin' to get a punch directly ta your throat, keep playin'." I cut in and slipped my hand under his hoodie.

"My mom works at the hospital, and she was saying they were having a lot of successful recoveries. Maybe it'll be over sooner than we anticipate." Jade said adding her two cents. She was so cute.

"Anyways man can we all go home now? It feels like my nose is gonna fall off." Alex said getting up. He was right though it was 10°C, and before you start with us we have on proper clothes and not to mention there was a small fire bonfire. Alix was just wanted to go home, to get his dick sucked or something.

"Yeah let's head home, it's getting late anyway, Jade you sleeping over right? I really don't wanna stay out too long on the road, it's already one-thirty." Sam said and Jade shrugged.

"Yeah, no problem." She shyly smiled at Sam before looking at me." It was nice meeting you guys, I hope we can all do this again sometime,- oh and tag me in the pic, my Instagram handle is 'itsplay_time'."

"Okay, I gotchu. Oh, and it was nice meeting you too, ya'l drive safe." I quickly tagged her in our group picture and watched as they drove away. It was now only me and Khlye left as we packed the final cooler in the trunk.

"You okay baby?" Khyle hugged me from behind.

"Yeah, why you ask?"

"Because you hardly said anything tonight, just making sure."

"Yeah... It's this thing I did when I was younger. We lived directly across from the beach and it always seemed to clear my mind whenever it was in a cluster. I guess I was just settling on my new conditions," I sighed with a smile leaning into him. Everything is starting to make sense again.

"That's a good thing right?"

I gave him a light chuckle" yeah babe, it's a good thing'. Thanks... for being so observant."

"That's my job. Now let's go home, you driving." He slipped the keys in my hand and not long after we were onto the highway headed home.


How have you been feeling lately,...any mood swings,... anything abnormal?" My psychiatrist Mr.Palmerman, asked me. We were on a video call on Skype.

"Well yes kinda, but that was like almost two weeks ago." I sighed.

"Well tell me about it. What happened exactly? Nothing too rash right?"

"No, no... I just finally got ta' tell my boyfriend about what happened to my parents. He deserved to know. He's such an amazing man, never met anyone like him."

"Oh that's lovely news to hear, this is great progress, Mr. Blair. So I see that just by talking to him about it, you're revealing such a sensitive memory of that time. It can cause a slight unbalance in your emotions, but I'm glad to see that you haven't slipped too far away." I clenched my jaw at that. I never wanted that to happen to me again.

" you honestly think that I'm gonna get over this completely? I'm really startin' to get close to him...I'm in love with him. I just don't want to be a burden on him if I keep slipping and can't get better. I'd hate to put him through all that."

"Beleive it or not, that's exactly what's gonna cause you to get better. The more you open up to him and others you're close to, the better you're going to get at controlling your emotions. It all starts with you, and you shouldn't put too much stress on yourself, you're not going to magically get better. These things take time."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying completely. Of course, it wouldn't change right away." Okay."

"Also, remember son it's important to always remember there's nothing wrong with you. Get that negative narrative out of your head. Nobody is perfect."

"Okay, Paps. Thank you for everything."

"It's my pleasure, stay safe, and keep me updated. Bye, now."

I ended the Skype call and walked down, stairs to see a very annoyed looking Shae." What?" Why was she even here? She's always popping up uninvited.

"So you gay now for real Skie?"

I gave her a stale face and walked into the kitchen," musbe retarded." There are literally photos of me and Khyle kissing and lovey-dovey, all over my Instagram and Twitter accounts.

"But Skie what about us?"She asked as I began to roll up a blunt." I thought we could've worked out our problems."

"Shae, answer these questions for me," I said while licking the Grabba leaf closed.

"Why did we break up in the first place?"

She rolled her eyes" I cheated..."

"When was the last time we talked face to face?"

She sucked her teeth and gave me a 'really nigga', look." I don't know nigga, like two months ago? Look, that doesn't mean anything Skie. What's important is that I'm here right now."

I exhaled my blunt in her face," Shae, I gon tell ya this once, in the nicest way possible... carry ya' big cunny...out of my house."

She stood there confused and shocked for a moment, then I felt a slight sting to my face. She then stormed away and slammed the front door.

"Bitch don't slam my fuckin' door, you don't live here!" I smiled and shook my head, oh well... at least I didn't put my hands on her. "This is progress," I told myself while sitting at the island, continuing smoking my blunt. I missed my phone...

"Who was that?" Alix asked coming into the kitchen and took a pull from my blunt.


Jade in the MM.

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