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"I can't believe you actually leaving me", I said as we saw the sign stating that we were now in another city yet again. Texas...we've been driving for like 26 hours(I'm joking it's only 18 hours), I know it's a stretch but damn this was a long ride. Whatever ass I had, has now molded into one with my back for real this time.

"Don't even start, Skie." I glanced at him and seen him smiling with a stray tear, that he quickly wiped away.

"I saw that." I said making him shake his head and look out of the window." I'm proud of you Alex." I stopped at stop at a red light and squeezed his knee." I really am. Dad would've been proud of you too, I'm sure he's looking down on you right now with the biggest cheesy grin ever."

"Thanks Skie now stop it, you got me crying and everything."He said still wiping his eyes, and sniffing."...act like I'm going to war or you ain't gonna see me again, I'm just 19 hours away if you need me."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Maybe we should've flown down for real huh?"

"Uh yeah, but you don't listen, your head is hard as rocks. We could've been here like... yesterday."

"You know I don't like flying." I lied. To be completely honest, I just wanted to spend every second I got with him. I've never been to far away from Alex, and I know it's going to be hard parting ways.

I chose to be a social media socialite and started my journey as a YouTuber along with Khyle, just basically broadcasting our life as a couple, and watching our relationship bloom. I do a little modeling on the side and I still have a normal 9-5 at Best Buy. I'd say I'm not where I'd want to be careerwise but I still have a lot planned for the future, as of right now I'm comfortable.

I glanced at the camera smiling and then I looked at Alex again. Damn it's really gonna be hard, letting him go. That boy like my son.

"Stop crying Skie oh my gosh, your viewers are gonna think I is be beating you up or something ." Alex laughed.

"Most of the time you do tho...You just grew up so fast. I watched you crawl and babble your first look at you, going to college. It's too much."

He started laughing even more." Skie, we twins."

"So what? You still my son."

"You sound just like Khyle, bout 'I'm your son.' He's starting rub off of you, he was so happy to see me go. To bad he had to work."

I smiled, that's my baby.

"So about Monraux... he responded back to you yet?" He sighed, "No he hasn't. He's probably still mad that I chose to go Texas instead of Georgia."

"Oh..." I said and pulled up to Whataburger's drive-thru.

"I know you're thinking the same, I just think that in my heart I know this is the right choice for me." He held his head down and clenched his jaws.

"I'm not mad, actually I'm really happy that you chose to be father away from me. I promise you I wont beat up your boyfriend anymore if the extremes are gonna be this much of a punishment." I said chuckling.

"I'm being serious dummy." He playfully jabbed at my arm.

"I know I'm just fucking with you. Whatever you choose to do in life, I'm gonna be happy for you. Your happiness is all that matters, and if anyone tried to change that, they're not the right person for you. Your instincts are almost always accurate, so I trust you and you're decisions."

I continued," I may be off my rockers a little when this all settles in that your not by my side anymore. But I'll be alright. Before Khyle came along, you were the only one I actually cared about. I got you till death do us part."


We finally got to his dorm room and we started to put his things in the right places.

"Oh hey," we turned around and saw a tall caucasian guy standing and held up a peace sign." I'm Mason, nice to meet you guys."

"Hey, are you my roommate?" Alex replied and shook his hand, I smiled. At least this guy is good to look at, he's very handsome. I'm sure he's gonna keep Alex busy.

"Yeah man, welcome to the home of the Aggies."

"Thanks, the name's Alex and this is my twin Skie."

I gave him a one-finger salute," sup?" then sat onto Alex's new bed.

"Well I catch you later and show around if you want, I don't know too much since I'm new as well, but we could figure it out together if you're up for it." He smiled.

"Yeah that would be cool, appreciate it."

"Alrighty I'll leave you guys alone, I'll be back later."

I waved him bye, then Alex and I walked back into the car, there wasn't anything left in there, so I knew this was goodbye.

Our last goodbye.

When we got to the parking lot I stopped and hugged him tightly. I felt him shaking against me and my vision began to get blurry as the tears flowed non-stop this time.

I wanted to let go and tell him that everything was gonna be okay, that I was gonna be okay. But how could I? I knew from the second I let him go that he would have to go back inside. I had a long drive back because I had work the day after and he had his dorm room to fully furnish to his liking.

Yet I couldn't bring myself to let him go, if possible we both tightened our hold on each other, we've both been through so much together. He's literally a part of me.

It feels like I'm losing him, but he's gonna be alright. I patted his back," you gonna be alright, I got you. Don't let anybody try to take advantage of you. You're the smartest, funniest, and the most caring brother in the entire world. I wouldn't trade you for anyone or anything in this world or the other." I said then gave him a kiss on his forehead." I gotta go, bro, I love you with everything I have."I held his hands tightly.

"I love you too Skie words can't explain how much, I'm grateful to have you a brother as well. I don't know where I'd be without you, you're my anchor and I promise to make you proud... Please drive safely, pay attention to the road take breaks when you feel even the slightest fatigue, and facetime me when you reach home. C-call me whenever you get the chance too..."He said stuttering a little.

"Always," I took of my favorite childhood Cuban gold chain and placed it onto his neck." This is for protection." I almost forgot about it. We hugged one last time and I gave him a smile." Cheer up, we' can handle anything. Till we meet again."

He smiled and nodded, then let my hands go," till we meet again."

I went into our car and drove away, watching him in the rearview until he was finally out of view," he's all I got...Dad, please keep him safe."

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