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It was two days later and a lot has happened since then. I had went back to the Walker's residence to apologize and explain myself, but turns out Alix beat me to it.

They knew what had happened and they understood. They took their love for their children seriously, so they told me I should stay away from their children until I've gotten myself under control. Which is fair to me, I don't care.


Now I'm here at this one-on-one anger management counseling, for four days out of two weeks.

Just I'm about to walk in, someone bumped into me and walked on my all white air forces.

"Ayo watch where the fuck you going!" I pushed the person off of me and sized him up.

"I'm sorry my mistake man." The man said and with his hands up and fixed his hoodie back up in place.

"Yeah it is. The fuck, is you blind?" I stared at him and shook my head. People cause it on themselves.

I walked up to the front desk and gave the lady my information for today's session.

"Take the elevator to the 6th floor, and take a left to the door that says 'Nigel Palmerman'." She gave me his card and I shoved it into my back pocket, while entering the elevator.

I did just as she said and went to the 6th floor. The elevator dinged and I took a left and read on the doors. Mr.....Palmerman. I knocked onto the door and it opened up by itself.

"Good evening, Mr. Blair. How are we feeling today?" This man is old as hell.

"I don't know about you paps, but I'm having an averagely normal day."

"Okay, and what exactly would call average Mr. Blair? Is it okay to call you that?"

"You can call me whatever fits you, and I mean it's nothing different about today other than my clothes and I'm here."

"And you're here because you think you have a problem correct?"

I nodded at that and that's basically how everything went for the rest of the day. Him asking me questions and me talking about them.


"Why do you feel like it's your fault your dad died? He asked I shrugged.

"Because it is, I was the one who was born still, I caused my mother's death as well. She died from postpartum hemorrhage pains, while I was coming after my brother.
My father struggled with us for years and I saw it everyday. He wasn't happy but still he smiled and managed to always keep us smiling. He made sure that we didn't need for anything. But me, I was the greedy one."


My dad was rushing up and down the stairs as me and Alix got settled in our house in The Bahamas. We had just come from his home in the US.

"Boys where did I put my car keys?" He asked and I threw it to him from my pants pocket.

"I'll see you guys later be good to your aunt, Te'Anna, you hear me?" He kissed our heads and hugged us.

"Here dad, this is my lucky pen. Never got a bad grade with it ever." Alix exclaimed as he placed it into his suit pocket.

"Okay I gotta get going boys-,"

"Noo! Wait dad please, I got something for you too hold on." I sped up the stairs and grabbed the watch I supposed to give him on his birthday that he missed.

By the time I ran back downstairs stairs he was entering his car with my aunt..

"Next time Skie." Alix tapped my shoulders and gave me a pitiful smile.

I shook my head and ran outside stopping the car making sure that he took my present as well..

End Flashback.

"Little that I knew, he'd miss his flight. Because of me, he had to take an emergency flight on another airline." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Little that I knew, that it would be the last time I saw him. If I could've just let it go, and let him meet his flight time, he probably would still be here. And I wouldn't have been in here."

The shrink wrote down almost everything I said and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Mr. Blair you can almost guess what I'm gonna say. It's not your fault, and here's why.
You have to one Bipolar disorder. It's a mental illness caused by your mood. Whether it's low to high or high to low." He explained.

"I'm crazy?"

"No you're not. You just have problems getting your emotions under control, and I can help you. It's a lifetime practice if you want to keep yourself sane and have a family. Being Bipolar isn't the end of the world, Mr. Blair. Ive had one hundred successful treatments in my lifetime and I want you to make one hundred and one. Are you up for it?"

"Hell yeah paps."


Ignore the minor errors please and thanks.

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