The Map

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*huge time to Seventh year*

Coraline had the baby in mid July they had a son named Langston Course. I was not allowed in his nursery what so ever.
At the platform
Everyone was in horrid moods. The wizarding war started becoming a greater threat. Everything was so dark and drey. Lily spent her summer with the McKinnon's for her and her families safety by order of dumbledore. I so much wanted to be with them but Coraline made me stay. They got married over the summer and it of course had to be a small wedding with everything happening. She's been acting so weird lately she's been sneaking calming it's doctors appointments but why did dad ever go with her or the baby. And one night I saw her sneak out by floo powder. I was with her since dad was working waiting for the train "You know you can leave" I say spitefully "Why would I do that. Your are my daughter" she smiles bitterly "No I'm River and Dani Course daughter not yours you snake" I spit beginning to walk off but she grabbed my hand "Watch your tone you brat. And don't call that women by his last name. He's mine just like you are." She sneers then let go "I'm not yours. And you know don't bother coming back for me. I'm not stepping a foot into that house well you live there. You get to explain to dad why" I run off trying to find my friends. Ignoring her calls I see Mrs. Lupin and get so happy "Anika" she chummed in opening her arms. I spent a bit of time with them but only a week Coraline wasn't home so I was able to go but she came early and told them there was something urgent. I loved Remus' family. "Anika" I hear him say I look past his mother and run and hug my boyfriend "I missed you so much" he said pressing kisses on my head "I missed you too" I said into his chest. I told him everything that's happening with Coraline and he was so supportive. "Come one the girls and Marauders are already on the train." He pulled me after saying goodbye to his parents. We got to the compartment. Peter, Sirius were all on one side well James and Lily. Once we start moving I tell them all what happened over the summer. They were all very comforting "She's a snake" Sirius says I nod "I told her I wasn't stepping a foot in that house again so anyone got an idea of where I can stay" I ask rubbing my knees "You can stay with me, love" Remus took my hand "Thank you" I smile "Ok love birds there's more people" Sirius says. "We got something cool to show you guys" He says taking out a paper handing it to me "It's a blanket paper" I say "Ok but watch this" James says taking his wand out "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" he waved his wand. The paper lite up "Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders map" I read then open it "Is this a map of Hogwarts" I ask they all nod "That's amazing guys" I say.

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