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Once I got back to Ravenclaw tower. I wen to my dorm and napped. When I woke up Lily and Marlene were standing over me. "You scared me" I say sitting up "sorry." They both say "Dinner is just about to start. Pandora let us up to get you, she had to do a quick round" "Oh crap I have to meet up with Remus after dinner" I say grabbing my robe "I can't believe your going to that. You don't have to study the potions. Slughorn will explain it in class" Marlene says to me "No I do want to study that potion. I've never been great with the draught potion" I explain as we head to the hall.

*after dinner*

I say goodbye to Xeno and Pandora and he's toward the library. I didn't see Remus yet so I just sat down and took out beauty and the beast and read for a bit. "Hey Anika" I heard someone say, I look up and I'm met with Lupins bright green eyes. "Hello" I close my book taking out the text book. "Before we start can I ask you about a couple things" he asked

Remus's Pov
I pondered myself to ask her if she was an animagus but I chickened out and said "That book. What's it book the one form the train" he say mentally slapping myself "Oh. It's about a prince that gets cursed into a hideous beast for not having any love in his heart. To change back he needs to finds true love" she explains "Is it a popular muggle story" I ask taking out my text book "Yeah., I'm really enjoying to original. It was my mum's favourite book" she adds "Cool it sounds really interesting" I say opening my book to the right page. We've been studying for a while now. It's actually nice studying with her. I finally pluck up some kind of courage and ask a question Ive wanted to ask her "Why were you crying in the train" I say bluntly. She looks at me wide eyed "Pardon me" "After We left.  I was coming back to ask you about the book and I saw you crying hugging the girls" I say. Her eyes feel with tears "It's none of your business Lupin" she sneers packing her stuff up and leaving. Great.

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